Well, I have figured out that when I really have nothing to say, I post a lot of pictures. So... here are a lot of pictures :).
Well, this week I actually did a little bit of exploring on my own. On Friday, Amelia was at a Solfege exam all day, so I was alone. Well, I needed to go buy a USB thingy to store my old pictures on, so I went out to go do it. While I was walking there I saw this little flower shop that is so cute that I had been wanting to get a picture of. Well, it was right outside of an old Graveyard, so I decided I would check it out. It was so cool! It was HUGE too! I couldn't ever see the end of it. It was amazing. I was in there for about an hour and I didn't even see half of it. It was so cool. I really loved it actually. In movies and things they make graveyards out to be scary, but I actually love them. They are very reverent/quiet places and I think I would be ok staying in one all day. It was very cool. Here are some pictures of my favorite tombstones (or whatever you call them... I don't know.)
Alright, these pictures are from Saturday night. It was the Evening in Excellence for the Y.W. but they invited most of the ward, and afterwards they had a BBQ (or that is what they called it...). It was fun. Amelia got her medallion and is just so proud of herself :). I am also proud of her :). She is out of Y.W. but they gave it to her anyway :).
So, these are just pictures that Amelia was taking of the ward members, but I liked a lot of them so here you go.
Ok well...... so........ umm........ Saturday morning. Yes. I met up with Corentin at the tram stop and we went to play football with the missionaries (there were about 9 of them, including the Sister Missionaries.) There were some of the Young Adults there too. Well really, I had no idea why I was going besides the fact that I had no choice in the matter and I told Corentin I would meet him at the stop. Otherwise I would probably have been sleeping still. Well, it turned out fun anyway.... The first little while, us girls (me and the Sisters) didn't actually do ANYTHING but pretend like we were playing. But then most of the missionaries had to leave, so then they HAD to use us. By the end, I had caught the ball once, and scored 1 touchdown (nevermind that all I had to do was run a few steps and catch the ball...). It was a success I think. Also, the biggest success for me is that now Corentin speaks English with me :). It has taken a while but I finally cracked him. YES! Hahaha, this was so cute actually. So, he doesn't know a lot of English, but he does a pretty good job. Well, on the way to sports we were talking about stuff and I asked him if he had any plans for the vacation. Well, he started talking about how he wanted to be a professor in a University. Haha, he thought I meant Future! So then later, he asked if I had any plans for my "vacation" and I said, "no, nothing." Haha, I didn't realize for a while that he actually meant future.... woops.
Well, the visa thing still isn't going well. I am still hoping and praying for a miracle.....
Well, I am not sure what our plans our for these next couple weeks, but I sure hope we can look around a little. I haven't seen a lot of things that I wanted to.
So good news. Last night Amelia, Me, Guillaume, Marc and Jonathon went to the Institute building to hang out. Weird, I know. Well, Jonathon brought a Quiche that he made and we cooked some freezer pizzas that were in the freezer. Well it was fun. We just kind of sat around and talked. Anyway, the good news is that they spoke French almost the whole time and I understood most of it! I am getting to the point where I don't even have to translate it over into English in my head first. I just get it. Well... some things. Not all of it, obviously. Anyway, I was so glad. There were only a couple times that I needed Amelia to tell me what was being said. Yes!!! Also, Guillaume just barely moved into a new place that is a ton closer. We went over there to see it before going to the Institute building. It is the tiniest thing you have ever seen! He had to ask other people to take most of his stuff and it is still packed! He doesn't have room for anything! It is pretty much a living room that is half kitchen with a tiny bathroom off to the side. Not even kidding. He sleeps on the couch.... It is really cute though. I liked it even though it was tiny. Also he had superhero pictures hanging on the walls, so that made it even better. There was even a Batman one :).
Well, I really can't think of anything else to say.... This will have to be good enough. I love you all.
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