I have a bunch of useless pictures this time.... sorry. I don't really go that many places anymore... Excuses, excuses, I know..... Oh well. I hope you enjoy them all the same :).
This is me in Utah. I just always thought it was a funny picture. So there :).
Well, this week has been kind of a mess. So, here in France they have apparently raised the age to retire. So the old people now have to work more in their lifetime, and the young people lose job opportunities. Well, that is what they are complaining about anyway. There has been a strike EVERY DAY! And the dumb things screw everything up. Sometimes they fill up the whole street, so it stops trams and buses, etc. Well, I missed my piano lesson because there were no buses :). I tell you. These people can be so ridiculous. I don't think these strikes even do anything but give everyone an excuse to not work. Oh well......
These are pictures of the strike today. Usually there are more people. They have probably all decided it was too much work on their "vacation" :).
Alright, now onto the week.... I will start off with Sunday. I am so sad I didn't take my camera! Me and Amelia missed ALL of the trams, so we walked all the way to the bus in the pouring rain! It was quite the experience I must say. We only had 1 little umbrella, and we were carrying a poster that Amelia made for Primary. It was hilarious! At the beginning we were trying to avoid the water, but after 15 minutes our shoes and hair and everything else was already sopping, so it really didn't matter anymore :). Amelia's poor poster was completely ruined even after all our our efforts.... So that was exciting.
Sunday night we went over to Veronique and Adeline's (two of Amelia's aunts) house for "Papa's" birthday party. He is 50 :). It was really fun. We had delicious food and cake :).
So, as I mentioned before, I missed piano lessons. Tuesday morning I was headed to the church to go practice. Well, I got to the bus stop but there were TONS of people there "striking," so I just sat down and was waiting. Well, Damien (I think that is how you spell it... he just BARELY came home from his mission) randomly showed up and told me that there would be no bus :). Sometimes me and Amelia take the tram to church, but it is a longer walk and I wasn't sure of the way, so of COURSE he had to come with me to show me the way :). I pretty much thought we were going to die in the tram. I have never seen it that packed before! When the tram would stop sharply, pretty much everyone just fell over..... it was ridiculous. I sometimes wonder if the tram driver ever does it for fun...... Well, anyway, I got there and practiced for a little while. The whole ordeal had taken longer than planned, so I didn't have that long to practice. Well, then I leave and go wait for the bus.... that wasn't coming! Dumb! So, after it takes forever for me to realize that I am a dummy, I start heading to the tram stop which is a ways away. When I got there, it said the tram was coming in 7 minutes. So, I waited, and it came, and I couldn't get in. The doors were barely closing. There was 0 space left. So, then I waited 12 minutes for the next one and forced my way in. It is funny, because when you are in the tram you are just smashed up against everybody. There is nothing you can even do. Just make sure your breath doesn't stink :). Ok, so anyway.... I was late for everything and I didn't make it. I was pretty grumpy so I decided to walk home to try to get over it :). Well, it didn't REALLY work, so I decided to stop off and get some chocolate.... 4 bars of it...... Chocolate always helps. Ok, that was a useless story.... sorry about that.
This book is going to be the death of me. I am absolutely sure of it. It broke my pinky. There is no better exercise book......
This is Dane..... hehehe. He is wearing a Batman Shirt, PJ pants, an awesome coat, and he is holding a pie, yes. Why is he so cool?!?!
Well, I told you that I would take a picture of the chocolate aisle. Here it is. I don't even know how I would pick if it weren't for the price differences...... There are so many!
Ok, yes, I know it is ridiculous! It is supposed to be though :). In the other ones, I was popping my foot :). They ended up super blurry, otherwise I would have put them up :).
Meditating.... This is how she likes to end the day.
Pretending to be dead. She sometimes likes to try to look dead. She hasn't ever quite got it right.... Also, sometimes she tries to walk like a guy. It is hilarious!
So, I was talking to my mom on Sunday and she was saying how I should sit out and draw places and things here. I had actually brought this journal for that purpose, but had forgotten about it since I got here! I actually got it from my friend Chubbs for my birthday a couple years ago. (Dear Chubbs, thanks a lot! I don't think you ever actually saw it... here it is. Isn't it beautiful??) Well, I was looking through it and decided to take these pictures of pictures.... I don't even know why...... Ok, fine! It is because I miss Dane!...... So, what? I wanted to send these to him...... and then I just decided you all may as well see them too :).
Also... this (^) is my favorite place ever! I could just stare at it all day! I feel like a little kid every time! It really is so magical! It is my equivalent to Willy Wonka's chocolate factory..... It has cookies and candies..... Yes! I love it! I don't know how everyone doesn't just stop and stare. I did the first time. It stopped me in my tracks. For reals.....
So me and Amelia went shopping last night. On the way home we took these pictures. I know I have tried to describe how amazing it is here at night, but I really can't even tell you! There is no way but to experience it! I could spend all night out there. I love it! And I am not the only one. Amelia feels the exact same way. It is a whole other world.
Alright, here we go again..... :) I don't even know how this happened. Please just enjoy these.
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