Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Silly old bear,

haha, yea, I noticed you took our presents haha. I know! it's so much better with presents :). Christmas is coming so fast!!! I can't believe it! yum! also, we are getting our tree tonight and you should come and decorate it with us :). well... the trip was boring, but unlike all the other trips, we got Dad to play christmas music the whole way back :). it was wonderful. but Joseph cried like twice because he 1. left his blanket at grandma's, and 2. he couldn't play a frogger game that he got from taco bell right then... it was rediculous... but he's okay now. I'm sure they will have the cutest names :). and you'll be the cutest mom ;). so... the other day, I asked Dane if I could name one of my kids Christopher Robin Weyland, and if he would love me/him more. And he said yes :D. so expect it ;). also, we decided that the first words he would be able to say would be "silly old bear". haha. so anyways, haha. also, I have decided that this summer I am going to take the insane swim team... yea... believe it. also, if I back out, you and Dane have to force me not to. deal? deal. because if I do, I'll look like... the guy at the top... haha. so... I have to go, but I would say for the "exctrement", that the first two hats, or the second to last hat... or the scarf... haha. I would say whatever is esiest/cheapest/or that you like best :).

I love you too much. Bye :)

P.S. sorry for only one picture haha.

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