I'm so glad you're back..... Enjoy these.
Tell Joseph I'm very sorry about his blanket... that's too bad.
And before I forget, another idea I had was to buy a sweater from DI and crochet an H onto it.... like in Harry Potter, you know? Anyway... what do you think? It would either be that or one of the things we previously talked about. Which would she love best? Also, please tell me everything you are getting for your giftee, and also, if you know what anyone else is giving him, please tell me. I need to go shopping for him really soon, and I would like to know everything that hasn't been gifted already. You know....
Ok, I'm so excited you guys have a Christmas Tree now :). Isn't it the best EVER?! We will probably, maybe be coming up soon. Not sure. We'll bring up the extra presents that we took.... which, by the way, makes no sense to me at all. Mom says the one from you to Chubbs is the only one that we were supposed to take. Is Sam disguising his giftee? Because all of the other ones said "To: Lindsay" on them. I'm not being selfish and saying I should get all of them, I just don't understand how this whole thing is working.... It's good though :). I love your wrapping on Chubbs' present, by the way :). love, love, love it.
I made those Chicken Enchiladas that are all over pinterest. I now see why they are all over pinterest. Easiest, best Chicken Enchiladas in the universe. True.
Boy.... I don't know what else. I need to go wake up Chubbs. Oh! I made 2 pumpkin rolls today :). Chubbs LOVES 'em, so I made 'em :). It's delicious.
What else? My obsession with kids names has been revived.... I'm obsessed. I've found some really, really great ones though. Believe that. If my kids don't hate me for them, hopefully they'll love me. It's either-or really......
Ok. Love you. Bye.
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