Saturday, December 17, 2011

Lindsay leuser, ;)

I sure did enjoy those! I hope you enjoy these :).

Guess what!? I have decided that I want to sew patches like these onto my orange hoodie's sleeves :D. whaddya think? and if I do, what fabric should I use? I just have no idea... isn't swim team a great idea!? I think so. jood :). I quite like the name myself haha. of course I'll do it! you just have to remind me when I am married... so in a while... haha. that is genius! Hannah actually totally was saying that she wanted a sweater like that! not even one joke! I think she would like the sweater more... or the scarf... either one :). well, I got a settlers of catan game for him, and the thing that you bought ;). and I might make him something else... but that's all that I know of... having a christmas tree is ALWAYS a good idea! I love it 100 percent of the time! also, Dane put our lights up, so it is just a party all day here! it's great! haha. well good! you really should come soon. yea... that is confusing... haha. I'm so glad you love it!!! I was hoping someone would :). oh yum! that sounds delicious! you should come to our house and make them :). oh Lindsay! you just make everything don't you? I'm so glad! what names have you found? oh I belive it! I'm sure they will just love you to peices like I do for their awesome names! k... well I don't really have anything to say either... but I feel like I do.......... well, anyways, cya later!


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