Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Gingerbread Weasley House
Cutest ever.
cool idea.
I've seen them do this with pictures. The just make the pixels
really big or something, and then they paint it. It's really cool!
could be fun.
I love this.
good. fun.
Now that that's taken care of.... First I'd like to address this new cookie of yours. Um... REALLY???? That looks like the absolute tastiest, meltiest, chocolatiest thing I've ever seen in my life! That was a really good choice.
What else? So, Chubbs got me a blow dryer, right? Well, I forgot how insane I can look when my hair is 5 times the size of my head. It's a good thing there are people who love me in spite of it...
I wanna hear about the dance!
I made lemon bars last night at 11:20. I was impatient and took them out earlier than I should have and now they are a bit under-done.... oh well. Still tasty. Chubbs likes 'em. He was absolutely scorching his tastebuds right off last night. He couldn't wait for them to cool.
Our car is dead and we can't fix it. Brian is coming over later to help. Pray that it works. This morning, we were out pushing it and trying to start it for 20 minutes. Do you know how cold it is outside??? I haven't been that cold in a long, LONG time..... I wanted to die. Until I went home and put some yummy hot chocolate in my tummy. It made it a little better.....
I have a terrible, terrible obsession. Go to foodgawker.com/popular/gawked/ ..... I honestly have been looking up every delicious thing I can get my eyes on... I can't get enough. I feel like I have to make everything! It's awful! I need help! I literally forgot I was typing this and had to look at it for a while..... this is pathetic.
I've been noticing some parts of our tree are dying and it's breaking my heart. I'm trying to take really good care of it, but sometimes there's just nothing you can do..... Now I'm just trying to make it's last days it's best. I've been thinking it needs a tree skirt and some presents underneath.
You wanna make a list of things Chubbs and I want for Christmas and put it on the fridge?
My List:
Clothes in general (size small)
an awesome watch
Canvases (all sizes... not too huge) and Paint
Awesome socks (gap has the best ones ever)
And that's all I can come up with....
Chubbs' List:
Brown church socks
Temple Clothes
Clothes (shirts: Medium, Pants: 32 30)
a handmade tie (the skinny kind)
Pull up/Push up bars
A nice coat (not a really big one for really cold weather, but a nicer one)
A Christmas Carol. I would recommend this one >
Ok, that's all I've got for you.
Also, I'm so excited for Marie Callendar's and Temple Square! I'm going to wear at least 20 layers! I've learned my lesson and I want it to be fun... not miserable. Another thing I think is a great plan.... Chubbs and I sharing something for dinner... and eating ALL of the dessert. That's the best party anyway. It's a shame every time I don't eat all of it, you know?
This is like a journal entry. Sorry Buddy.

1 comment:

  1. Also, I might add that for sweaters, I love the big, chunky, warm kinds. Chubbs does too for the most part, but he doesn't like anything itchy and if you get him any other kind of sweater he will love it too. As will I, but I feel I especially need a big warm one as of late.... There.
