Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Benjy Boo,
Sorry it's taken me so long. First, look at these....

Ok, good. Now. On to the items of little, or no importance....
I worked from 2-10 today. It was rough. I had a bowl of cereal and didn't eat until I came home. I've positive I've lost 5 lbs. since I got this job. I'm not complaining :). The worst part about it is just standing up that long. Honestly, by the end of the day, my back is screaming. I'm surprised everyone doesn't hear it.... It's that bad.
Well, I finished Christmas shopping today. I realized I accidentally got a few things in wrong sizes, but I can just exchange them tomorrow. I'm still counting my shopping as being done though. It makes me feel better.
Ok, also... those tights. Where on earth can I find tights like that??? I LOVE THEM!!!! Little wave-iolies. So cute. Also. Gap has the cutest/favoritest sweaters ever. Mainly I want to get Chubbs all of the guy ones (I almost have actually... :/. Don't judge!) so we can both wear them all the time. Man.... how great would that be? Also... There is this side to Chubbs that I am just discovering and I'm loving it! Most of the clothes he really likes, I also like! He's all going around, pointing out these ridiculous/awesome sweater/cardigans and saying he would love them and I am thinking the exact same thing! Oh man... this is gonna be a good Christmas :). Mmmm..... He's gonna look SO GOOD in the stuff I got him!!!
Seriously though Benj.... I'm laying here in bed, listening to the guy upstairs snoring....
So, how is your guys' break going? What have you been doing? Has mom been cookie-ing it up like a maniac? I sure hope so. It's sad, but it hasn't even been feeling at all like Christmas to me... :(. I think maybe it's because I work all the time and also because I've put off shopping for so long that it's not even done in the Christmas spirit, but more out of necessity. You know? It's dumb. And what's REALLY dumb is that I work Christmas Eve until 7pm which means I probably won't be up there until 7:45 at the earliest. Oh well. Save us some foooooood!
As for the elbow patches, I think that's a brilliant idea. I've always loved them. You really can't have enough clothes with elbow patches. But that's just my personal opinion. They just take it from drab to fab...... :P
Ok... Benj. Names. Here are some great ones. And you'd better believe I have all of these written down in my hullaballoo diary....
Boys First Names: Arthur, Elliot, Charlie, Oliver, William, Simon, Jack, Thomas (Tommy)
Girls Names (first or middle): Millie, Ellie, Beth, Faye, Claire, Elsie,
Boys Middle Name (get ready): Edwin, Leo, Dante, Hugo, Jude, Max, Keats, Byron, Rockwell, Grey, Gordon, Alfred, Thoreau, Emerson, Davies, Walter, Sherwood, Amos, Vincent, Henry, and I'm sure there are more on the way.
Boy, I'm awesome. (Oh yeah. If anyone runs across this and thinks they have a right to any of these names, they're wrong. And dead. Don't do it....)
Oh my gosh! I have to tell you this dumbest story... So at work today there was this lady who got some clothes from a lady. It was a secret santa type thing. This lady spent all of her money on cigarettes so she didn't have money to buy her kids clothes, so someone else had to. That sounds harsh but I think it's pretty true. So anyway... they were the wrong sizes so she was coming to switch them out. The lady who originally bought them gave her the receipts, or some of them, but everything wouldn't show up. So. What we can do is give her the money back, but we can't just exchange it straight over. So, she would get a check or something in the mail, but that day, she would have to pay for the clothes. Anyway. I thought I explained it very clearly, but apparently she didn't understand it. I got through exchanging all of the ones that did pull up, and then she says, "You know what... I'm done. My kids' Christmas is more important. If you guys can't exchange, I'll just take 'em. I won't let you ruin my kids' Christmas!"..... Uhhhh... ok??? I didn't even know what she was saying. So I kept trying to explain it to her again because she obviously wasn't getting it. Anyway... every time I tried she would blow up again and not let me finish.... so I just gave up and gave her the dumb old clothes that were the wrong sizes. I was so mad for so much longer than I should have been.... Ah! I wanted to punch her. Especially since SHE ruined her own kids Christmas! Sheesh.... Anyway... there you go :).
So I heard about mom's idea for Hannah's room.... Mom has officially lost her marbles. Remember how we thought we would finish the basement by Christmas that one time?.... and we didn't finish it until MONTHS later?... yeah. It's gonna be another one of those all over again.... But oh well..... Hannah will get to live the pretend life she's always dreamed of. Happy Christmas, Harry..... Also, the more I think about it, the more I am certain that we need to have Butterbeer, asap.
So I wore my rain boots the other day :). I thought Chubbs would be embarrassed but he loved them :)........ I like him more every day.... :). I'm sure one of these days I'll get him to like my tights.... Nah. I doubt it. Also, I need my hair trimmed.... It's getting awful. This post has taken me 5 times longer than it should have because I keep picking my dumb split ends.... sheeeesh. So here I am at 2am, typing a competely nonsense post :). You're welcome :).
Do you wanna know how much Chubbs loves me? He buys me chocolate oranges... and when I run out (which happens faster than I would like to admit), he buys me another one :).
So I think Chubbs and I are going to get a gym membership :). Good thing too.... I'm such a whimp-o. And I really just want legs and a belly that aren't fat.... That's all. Is that too much to ask? I don't feel like it is.
Ok, well this is pathetic. I keep rambling. What can you expect at this hour? But before I leave I just have to say this.... DWARF SONG ON THE HOBBIT TRAILER......

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Lindsay leuser, ;)

I sure did enjoy those! I hope you enjoy these :).

Guess what!? I have decided that I want to sew patches like these onto my orange hoodie's sleeves :D. whaddya think? and if I do, what fabric should I use? I just have no idea... isn't swim team a great idea!? I think so. jood :). I quite like the name myself haha. of course I'll do it! you just have to remind me when I am married... so in a while... haha. that is genius! Hannah actually totally was saying that she wanted a sweater like that! not even one joke! I think she would like the sweater more... or the scarf... either one :). well, I got a settlers of catan game for him, and the thing that you bought ;). and I might make him something else... but that's all that I know of... having a christmas tree is ALWAYS a good idea! I love it 100 percent of the time! also, Dane put our lights up, so it is just a party all day here! it's great! haha. well good! you really should come soon. yea... that is confusing... haha. I'm so glad you love it!!! I was hoping someone would :). oh yum! that sounds delicious! you should come to our house and make them :). oh Lindsay! you just make everything don't you? I'm so glad! what names have you found? oh I belive it! I'm sure they will just love you to peices like I do for their awesome names! k... well I don't really have anything to say either... but I feel like I do.......... well, anyways, cya later!


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

I'm so glad you're back..... Enjoy these.

Ok, now...... Swim team. That is a definitely yes, absolutely, count on me. Also Benj.... I almost cried a little bit when you told me about Christopher Robin Weyland. I love him already more than I ever should!!! Benjamin, I'm not kidding you! You've got to do it! PLEASE!!!! I honestly.... I might die.
Tell Joseph I'm very sorry about his blanket... that's too bad.
And before I forget, another idea I had was to buy a sweater from DI and crochet an H onto it.... like in Harry Potter, you know? Anyway... what do you think? It would either be that or one of the things we previously talked about. Which would she love best? Also, please tell me everything you are getting for your giftee, and also, if you know what anyone else is giving him, please tell me. I need to go shopping for him really soon, and I would like to know everything that hasn't been gifted already. You know....
Ok, I'm so excited you guys have a Christmas Tree now :). Isn't it the best EVER?! We will probably, maybe be coming up soon. Not sure. We'll bring up the extra presents that we took.... which, by the way, makes no sense to me at all. Mom says the one from you to Chubbs is the only one that we were supposed to take. Is Sam disguising his giftee? Because all of the other ones said "To: Lindsay" on them. I'm not being selfish and saying I should get all of them, I just don't understand how this whole thing is working.... It's good though :). I love your wrapping on Chubbs' present, by the way :). love, love, love it.
I made those Chicken Enchiladas that are all over pinterest. I now see why they are all over pinterest. Easiest, best Chicken Enchiladas in the universe. True.
Boy.... I don't know what else. I need to go wake up Chubbs. Oh! I made 2 pumpkin rolls today :). Chubbs LOVES 'em, so I made 'em :). It's delicious.
What else? My obsession with kids names has been revived.... I'm obsessed. I've found some really, really great ones though. Believe that. If my kids don't hate me for them, hopefully they'll love me. It's either-or really......
Ok. Love you. Bye.

Silly old bear,

haha, yea, I noticed you took our presents haha. I know! it's so much better with presents :). Christmas is coming so fast!!! I can't believe it! yum! also, we are getting our tree tonight and you should come and decorate it with us :). well... the trip was boring, but unlike all the other trips, we got Dad to play christmas music the whole way back :). it was wonderful. but Joseph cried like twice because he 1. left his blanket at grandma's, and 2. he couldn't play a frogger game that he got from taco bell right then... it was rediculous... but he's okay now. I'm sure they will have the cutest names :). and you'll be the cutest mom ;). so... the other day, I asked Dane if I could name one of my kids Christopher Robin Weyland, and if he would love me/him more. And he said yes :D. so expect it ;). also, we decided that the first words he would be able to say would be "silly old bear". haha. so anyways, haha. also, I have decided that this summer I am going to take the insane swim team... yea... believe it. also, if I back out, you and Dane have to force me not to. deal? deal. because if I do, I'll look like... the guy at the top... haha. so... I have to go, but I would say for the "exctrement", that the first two hats, or the second to last hat... or the scarf... haha. I would say whatever is esiest/cheapest/or that you like best :).

I love you too much. Bye :)

P.S. sorry for only one picture haha.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

I need your help.
So.... I assume you know who I have for Christmas. Let's just say.... "Hermione's excrement," and I think you'll understand.
Well, I've got her 1 thing already, but I've got to get her another thing and I need your opinion. Due to her reception and use of my last gift (the lovely french sweater), I've decided not to get her clothes..... She doesn't like the ones I do apparently. So. I've been looking around and I need to know what you think she would like best.
Here are the options.....

So, there are these hats. Alllll these hats. I'm super bummed because I found a really super awesome hat before, but someone bought it before I could! Anyway.... now I don't know. So, I could either get her a hat or this scarf here. Which do you think she would like more? Also, the other gift I got her is the "excrement" that she really liked at the mall. So... which do you think she would like more? And which do you think would go well with the excrement... as a package gift? Tell me, tell me!!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Darlingest Benjamin,
I assume at this very moment, you are driving home. Good thing. I've been waiting.....

So....We did actually steal some presents from you guys.... And Chubbs and I feel so much better. Also, I've really got to get some Christmas presents..... I've gotta! This very week. Count on it.
Also, I've really been wanting some pudding. I'm sure I'll make some before the end of the week :). Mmmm..... Yummy, yummy, yummy.
What else?.... not anything really. I do want to hear all about the whole trip though. Also, I do really want cute kids. AND I want them to have the greatest names ever. I think it'll happen. I'm slowly getting Chubbs to like all of my favorite names :). Plus he's wonderful and he probably just agrees to them because I like them, even though he doesn't like them... He's a good ol' boy. I sure like him.....
Well, I've gotta go. I love you Benjermin.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Dearer Lindsay

yup yup yup! we're twinners! also, guess what?! I jot into Pinterest :). are you in yet? I chould invite you :).

so, I really like the pictures you put up....

but LINDSAY!!! That's your fault entirely... but I forgive you. :) yup, Grumma and Grumpa are here, and just as wonderful as ever :). apparently there was a lot of crying when they got here, but I wasn't there. It sure is the big day! well so far, there are still just loud kids and good food going on... and I am trying those sock but curls from Pinterest on Hannah for today's jovialities, so... we'll see how that goes. :) we did watch Knowing last night, but it the kids would not stop talking!!! so I could only hear like a fourth of what the people on the movie were saying... but it was still good. The Laws were supposed to come last night, but they still aren't here... so who knows what happened there... and "George and Jen's" family are coming strait to the sealing... so yea. It's not just going to be Chubbs, Lindsay, I'm sure they would be super cute without him ;). I know!!! Pinterest is the best place for that kinda stuff :). we really should do at least some of them... haha, it might not be funny, but it is fun! you should try it some time haha. I'll never stop!!! you can't make me! yea hahah, mom decided to have us wrap some of our presents before we got our tree haha. so we just put it under that other tree... haha. so yea, you juys should just take them to your house and then bring them back for Christmas :D. we don't have all of them wrapped though... just a few. and there are some for you, and one for chubbs :). you're the best ever Lindsay :). I sure do remember that ONE THING ;). oh yum! those things are so good! haha, I love how you remember how they were on the Jesus birthday cake haha, that's the first thing I think of when I think of Jesus birthday cakes :). well guess what?!? I only have one more week of school too!!! you guys should come down to our house, and we should come up to your house!!! and you can take me home, and we can make that ONE THING;) for YOU KNOW WHO;). Oh my goodness! that sounds just magical! Oh Lindsay! you are the absolute best. that's the deal. I can come with your camera and we can take a picture of them :). also, we should make something together... like... food. well, I guess I'll see you later :). I sure do love you to pieces...

Friday, December 9, 2011

Dearest Benjamin,
I like this whole sharing pictures thing.... Pinterest. I hate it. It takes up my whole life.....
But BENJAMIN!!!! You're at Grandma and Grandpa's house without me!! Are Grandma and Grandpa there? There was so much crying, huh?..... Tomorrow's the big day though! Benj. Tell me everything. Please. I wanna hear every single thing that's going on up there...
First of all, dang straight. We are gonna have cute babies.... Thank you Chubbs :). Hopefully several boys, and only 1 "gleerl". But that's.... besides the point.
Second.... Benjamin.... I've been thinking of all the wonderful things I can do with canvases. Pinterest.... blast the dang thing.... has some great ideas. I like them.
Third. Benjamin..... This isn't funny. I know for a fact that you don't have me for Christmas. Stop making me things, dang it.....
Ok. So, do you guys really already have wrapped presents at your house?? What on earth?? Also, you know that ONE THING I was supposed to get for you? I got it today. It's hidden. No one knows. I do think it's very nice. Also, you know those Pirouette cookie stick things that we got that one time for our Jesus birthday cake? Chubbs got me some :). They're on our dresser and we eat them all the time. Yum.
What else? Chubbs only has one more week of school. Yessssssssss. Then it's a non-stop Christmas Party... until Christmas. And then! New Years.
Oh! Benj! Guess what we did? It was all Chubbs' idea. So.... yes. We stole some snowflakes from your house. We didn't have any tape so they've just been sitting around for a few days. Well, we just bought some tape. Guess what lovely things are hanging from our ceiling? We just tied strings to 'em, and taped up right up there. Since the only lights we ever have on in our house are the sparkling christmas lights on our tree, you can't see the strings or the tape, you can just see the snowflakes spinning around :). BEST! Oh boy.... Benj. I wish I could take a picture, but... you actually have my camera. Anyway.... Yep.
Alright... well... I can't think of anything else to talk about. Except.... I've been making some delicious food. I made a BBQ chicken pizza last night, I made some delicious burritos tonight. I've got some good food plans coming up this week. Chicken enchiladas tomorrow. Believe that.....
Ok. Love you tons. Please have enough fun for all of us. Bye.