Tuesday, November 23, 2010

"You want the moon? Just say the word and I'll throw a lasso around it and pull it down."

coo coo.

You will notice that there aren't many pictures, again. You are right. My camera just started working so hopefully there will be more in the future. There are only a couple weeks left though.... :(.

Well, I am just going to jabber. I will start with Thursday night and go until the end. Once upon a time.....

Guillaume was going home. As he was leaving us with his "when you're in doubt..." thought of the day, he opened the door and this very loud singing drowned out everything . Our neighbor apparently had a lot of drunken girls over (and if they weren't drunk.... I won't even tell you my feelings towards them.) Well.... they were going on for an hour at least. I could hear them as I was falling asleep. Hilarious. I think drunk people are hilarious. You definitely see a lot of them here....
I went to the church to practice on Friday. I had been practicing for about 10 minutes when Alban and Corentin walk in. Dang it. They were painting sets for some Christmas Play or something that is coming up. Well, they told me I could keep playing and ignore them. I did for a while. When I couldn't anymore, I asked if I could help. Well, needless to say it was a party. Corentin and I were painting grass one one of the backgrounds. It was pathetic really. We didn't have enough yellow to mix with the blue so it was pretty blue for a while. Then we found some green. So... it was just rainbow grass really. It looked pretty awful but it was fun. The best part of the whole thing was when they had a shoe fight. It was ridiculous. I thought I was babysitting for a minute :). They just became little boys again or something. It was so funny :). It went on for a while but stopped after a flying shoe hit a bowl of paint and spilled all over the floor :). heehee. Don't worry. We cleaned it up. So yeah..... that was a good day. I only practiced for about 30 minutes but.... it was worth it.
Saturday morning I tasted a real deal french Croissant. They are much better than the Kohlers ones. Believe it. It was delicious. Amelia just went and bought a baguette AND croissants. What could be better?! Nothing..... She is just the best ever.
Saturday night we went over to Marc's house to have a party. We just sat around and talked (listened in my case) and ate food and drank hot chocolate. There was Jonathon, Marc, Solene, her friend, Amelia, Alban, his fiancé, and Corentin. It was fun. Jonathon was the comedian apparently. He reminds me of my uncle Seth. Everyone was just waiting around for him to say something funny :). Heehee.....
On Sunday after church I went over to Adaline's house. I hadn't been for a while so I promised Adaline I would that day :). Well, Olivier (her uncle) made us dinner. He made a delicious tart that was so good! It had eggs, cheese, bacon, onions, and zucchini. It was so good. Better than what I would have had at home, that is for sure. Amelia and I are running super low on food. We have been eating a large selection of noodles, brussels sprouts, hamburgers, and fish sticks for the past week. That is all we have left. We may go shopping tonight. We may not. Yesterday, we had plain noodles with brussle sprouts for lunch. It ended up with us having to pretend they were Krispy Kreme donuts to be able to eat them. We made some odd mixtures of noodles with ketchup and lemonaid with cherry syrup (cherry lemon donut...?), or noodles with steak, mayonnaise, and lemonaid (chocolate covered creme filled. My favorite). It was just absolutely ridiculous. It is getting bad.....
Well, Sunday night after we had dinner and sat and talked for a while, we went over to Guillaume's house. We drank carro, talked and watched The Prince of Egypt (because it was Sunday after all). It was great. Also, Guillaume showed us this video. Hilarious! Please watch it! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hElms3Jk1Ls

This picture did not work like it should have. I was attemption to take a picture of the moon because it was so awesome. You can still see it but it just looks like another light. Just believe me when I say it was so awesome.

Christmas lights! They have just started to put them up :). These are the first ones I have seen. It is also a bad picture but... you get the idea. There you go :).

Well, these little darlings are Canelés. They are a Bordeaux specialty apparently. Damien bought me a bunch of them. What the....??....... that was nice. They are very different but I think they are delicious. Also, I think they are cute.
Today way my piano lesson. Amelia and I went to the church this morning and I practiced until 3:00 because I really hadn't practiced except for that 30 minutes on Friday. Every time I had gone to practice, the rooms were full, or no one was there, etc. So, I practiced extra today. Well, I still failed completely at my lesson. Oh well. I will amaze her next week, I'm sure!
Also, Guillaume has been having me help him with pronounciation. He has an audition. He won't tell Amelia and I what exactly he is auditioning for but... I pretty much know. We were doing the woman at the well story. He was doing Jesus' lines. He must be auditioning for SOMETHING where they need a Jesus. I don't know. We will find out soon though. I think the audition was today. Heehee. I just think it is so funny :)......
Well, what else?...... Today I saw a guy on the bus who looked like Johnny Depp except 10 times more attractive. I feel in love...... obviously. If I were any less the person I am today I would have stared at him the entire trip. Believe it. He looked so cool too.... dang it.
Well, I guess that is all. We are just having a grand old time over here. Hopefully next post I will tell you all about our "Thanksgiving" we will hopefully have :). We are still trying to figure it out :).
This is your inspirational quote for today.....
“I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind. Some come from ahead and some come from behind. But I've bought a big bat. I'm all ready you see. Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!”
- Dr. Seuss (another genius)
Live long and prosper.

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