Wednesday, November 3, 2010

"Come now Harry, the Ministry doesn't send people to Azkaban for blowing up their aunts."

Alright, well......

These are pictures of the Halloween Party that we went to on Monday. The I-really-didn't-want-to go-to-but-I-did-anyway-and-it-wasn't-so-bad one. So, pretty much I was just planning on not going but then Amelia was begging.... so of course I had to go. But there was stil the problem with the costume.... it just takes way too much effort to find one, you know?? So, I was just planning on not having one. Well, Amelia and I went over to Guillaume's house to see some options for costumes that he had. Well, Amelia ended up being a ninja :). I can't tell you how proud I am of her. Me AND Guillaume. We were geeking about it. She was so good. Anyway.... so then Guillaume pulled out his white doctor robe that he wears to work. Well, I figured that that was easy enough, so I put it on and while driving to the Institute Building I started ratting up my hair. Amelia had suggested a Mad Scientist.....

This is a picture of me the night before. I ratted my hair up in a mohawk! It was super awesome. The front was definitely just falling all over, but I thought it looked funny anyway... so there you go. Also, don't even worry about what I am wearing.... I am just cool.

Hahaha! Ok.... this is while we were in Guillaume's house. You will notice that it is absolutely nothing. I think mine and Amelia's room is bigger than his whole house. Actually I know it is.... Anyway, these first pictures are while we were trying to figure out how to put a ninja mask/head wrap on her. Guillaume was on the phone, so without his genius we were lost.... as you can see :).

Poor Guillaume...... Why he puts up with us, I don't know.....

Hahaha, she was trying to do the cool ninja rolling thing......


Ok, this is AFTER Guillaume got off the phone... obviously :). Also, it may look like she is wearing brown clothes with a black mask and shoes, but I assure you she was wearing all black. I don't know why my camera did that.... weird. Just use your imagination.) So, this is Amelia the Ninja. Super cool.

Here, Guillaume is showing her some legit ninja moves. He is apparently a ninja himself.... who knew??

There we go.... Ninja. This is Guillaume's handiwork....... :). Also, you will notice the Mario Mushroom in the backround. That is my seat :).


So, then we decided to go all the way and to color around her eyes like a real ninja. This is without the mask so it doesn't look half so cool... but I still like it :).
Alright, well this is the Halloween Party. There are a lot of pictures and I'm sure they will be of no interest to you. Oh well..... what makes you think I am doing this for you?! Just kidding.... I actually have no idea who I am talking to.... probably just myself. I do that all the time.....

This is Jedi Master Corentin, and Charles and his Alien Girlfriend, Ophilie.
This is Jeramie and Vivien in the background, then Ophilie, Charles, Corentin, Estelle, Pierre and our Institute Dad on the far right.

Yes, of course we had to play the mummy game. This was our team.

Done, done and done....

Hahaha..... he was yawning and then he just held it for the picture.... :). This guy is so weird, but hilarious. He's cool.....

Pierre.... I was so proud of him. He had two joker cards in his pocket :)..... yes.

There we go. I think he looked pretty awesome, personally. He's like a robot or something....

This is the next team. It was funny.... Estelle was being wrapped up and the missionaries were on that team. Hahaha, they didn't know what to do. They did what they could and then they just stood back and watched :)..... heehee. I love missionaries.

Oh.... here is the ninja. She took her role very seriously.

This is Damien, Clemente, Bastian, I-don't-know, and Jonathan. I don't actually remember what was going on.....

Hahahaha, this is my favorite picture! Pierre and Corentin... .they were just over in a corner talking and I pulled out my camera to take a picture and then this is what they were doing! This wasn't even a pose for the picture. This is just me being sneaky with my camera.... I wish I knew what they were talking about.....

This is afterwards.....

Hahaha, this picture reminds me of Snow White... on an Alien Planet. This wasn't posed either. It just turned out awesome.....

Charles and "Elder Law." (Elder Jensen really. They switched name tags as their costume :)...)

These are the two mummies..... Ours was better.

Jonathan :). He is cool.

Breathing Ninja :)..........

This looks totally creapy, but really he was just looking up/thinking of what to draw. There was a "Pumpkin Contest" where you had to draw faces on balloons. That is what was going on here.

Pierre, "Elder Law" and Vivien (an investigator who is getting baptized on Saturday!)

Alright, this is my costume. I didn't look very "mad" except that my hair was out of control. Also, I have Corentin to thank for my hair being awesome. When we got to the building I was still ratting my hair up because it wasn't very big yet. It wasn't really working out how I had hoped. Well, when he saw me he got really excited and asked if he could do it. Well of course he could! It was huge when he was done.... This is after it had fallen quite a bit. He kept keeping it big through the night too! Good thing because I definitely couldn't see it. I would just be sitting down and he would come up and make it huge again. What would I have done without him?......

Our Institute Mom, Damien's Sister, two people I have never seen before, and Clemente.

He was a spirit watcher/detector or something..... I don't even know.

Don't know his name, Hiriata, and Vivien.

This is Corentin making my hair big again. Actually, I think this is when he was trying to make dreadlocks. That would have been awesome......... Also, I want you to know that I am aware I look absolutely awful in this picture....

Bastian :)...... I don't even know what to say about this one....

"Why so serious?"........

He made me a crown of "cobwebs." What a swet guy.......... It was fun to get out of my hair :).....

Well.... that's that. Let me see, what else? Well.... I bought my ticket home.... well, to Washington actually. I leave December 13th. Sad day..... So, anyway, I have a month left to party. Live it up......

So, yesterday was the best ever. So, at 11:00 I headed over to Guillaume's house to bring him some ingredients for Sushi. (Also, I got there all by myself with no directions. Yes!) Then, me and him made Sushi :). He showed me how to do it and it was awesome. We made little rice... things then put a little Wasabi on top and then topped it off with raw Salmon... true. Well, I was a little wary about eating the raw Salmon, but it was actually really good! He made a delicious soup also. Then Amelia came over (she was teaching an English lesson before. That is why she didn't come earlier.) We sat on the floor and ate with chopsticks. It was super awesome. I loved it. I didn't even mind eating the raw fish. Anyway... that was good. Then we just sat around and listened to Enya for a couple hours.... heehee. Then later that night we went to F.H.E. at the Institute. Well, me and Amelia thought we were clever by taking a bus instead of the tram... to get there faster you know? (We were already late.) Well... turns out the bus was SO late so we got there a ton later than if we would have taken the tram. Heehee.... that is just the way things go, you know? Anyway..... we made it and it was really fun. We played lots of just dance. I played a few times with Guillaume and I beat him twice! No one beats him :)..... Wow, I am so cool!... I've got moves. That's all I've got to say......

Well, that is about everything I have to say. I am starving so I am going to go eat breakfast.

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