Sunday, November 7, 2010

"It does not do to dwell on dreams, Harry, and forget to live."

Hi everyone. My name is Lindsay and I like to party....

Well this week has been a whole lot of nothing. That seems to be how vacations usually go for me, so it's nothing surprising. I am sure you all think I am lying when I say nothing is going on, but I am completely serious. Please believe it. I will try to come up with something interesting to say though.....

So, here is the deal.... Every time I go to take a drink, I get the strongest urge to blow bubbles in it. It is so true, you have no idea. Sometimes I risist the urge... other times I don't :). Let's just say my maturity level lowers every single day.... You are all so proud!

So, a few nights ago, on our way to the institute building, Amelia and I were talking. This is how the conversation went. Amelia had just said something about her hair being flat...
Me- "Your hair is not flat! Of course it looks like it next to mine, but you can't judge it by that."
Amelia- "Yeah, I know. Your hair just makes mine look pathetic.... and mine makes yours look pathetic.
Me- "Well, as long as we both look pathetic, I don't mind..."
Amelia- "Yeah, me neither....."
Me-"..... I'm sorry I make your hair look pathetic."
Amelia-" I'm sorry I make yours look pathetic...."
Me- "I forgive you :)."


Well, the other night I had a dream about coming home and not knowing what to do when I saw my friends. I didn't know if I should "bis" them, or hug them, or high-five them..... man. I am getting so used to the bisous that it seems strange to me not to do it. What am I supposed to do?? I don't even remember what I used to do. I don't think I actually used to do anything...... Pathetic. Can I just start a new thing in America?.... or is that weird?

Well, the most recent update is that my hair is out of control. You would not believe how curly it is! Pretty much forever it has just been poof. POOF. Well, now it is curly poof.... I actually really like it... I have always wanted curly hair. Well... nice curl. It actually almost looks nice without doing anything :). YES! The bad news though is that my face is breaking out worse than ever before. Honestly.... why?! I am 19... not 14! What is the deal? I have a theory that it is from the "bis"ing.... That is a lot of face germs coming onto my face every day!..... Oh well.....

So, due to my upcoming departure, I seem to have a little black rain cloud hanging over me all the time. It never leaves.... dang it. I ignore it most of the time but sometimes the walls come tumbling down and it hits me full force. It's times like that that I sit and mope while listening to Frank Sinatra loves songs. Brittani.... you know what I am talking about. Anyway.... if any of you are feeling down, I would definitely recommend listening to him. He is just a treasure.....

Well, Corentin talked me into coming to Football again this week. I don't know how he does it... It was fun though. It was Elder Jensen's and Soeur Walton's last time. Elder Jensen is going home and Soeur Walton is being transferred. So, it was good. I am glad I went. We had a good time. I scored another touchdown. That is 2 for me so far. I am pretty much a pro by now.... Also, it is funny. Me and the Sister Missionaries never know what to do when we see eachother. (They are American too.) It usually ends up that we just shake hands.... lame I know. So, during the football game (yes, during....) we decided that that was super lame and that we will give hugs from now on. So now every time we see eachother we just give the biggest hugs :). It's awesome. I actually really like the Soeurs... and for some reason they really like me too. Haven't quite figured out why yet..... Soeur Walton got my email address today before she left. Apparently we are all just best friends :). That is cool with me...... :). I am supposed to be having some sort of Thanksgiving Dinner with Soeur Jensen and her new companion... whoever she may be. That is cool :). I am also planning on having one with Amelia and some friends. I am not sure how everything is going to work out yet, but I am having a Thanksgiving Dinner. Maybe even two. I am happy :).

Hmmm, what else. Well, last Thursday, as I was coming home from practicing at the church, I ran into Guillaume at the tram stop. That was a pleasant surprise! We talked for a couple minutes and then, what came as no surprise to me, he said he wanted to go get food :). Boys.... no just kidding. I was totally going home for the exact same reason :)!.... Anyway, so he suggested Subway. Yes, Subway. So, off we were to get Subway. On the way over I was struggling with my conscience because... I really didn't want to spend money on Subway. Of all things. Well, when we got there he told me he would pay for me because I am leaving soon. (Not sure what that has to do with anything, but that is what he said.) Well, of course that was super nice, but I wasn't really ok with it. So, I asked if I could at least pay part of it (even against my better judgement....) and he said that I could just make him a cake :). Would you like to guess which kind? RASPBERRY TRIFLE!!! He just loved it so much apparently :). Heehee! So, Trifle Day comes twice this year. I feel a little bit wrong making it on any day other than the 21st of September but.... it is the least I can do. I mean... he bought me Subway for goodness sake! :) Also, the funniest thing about Guillaume.... he knows the most random stuff! I feel like I am in school every time we are talking. He teaches me about everything! I don't even know how he knows these things! I don't even know why anyone would really care to know any of it, but it is cool that he does. I feel like he is just a dictionary. Everytime I have a question about anything, he will most likely have the answer. It's awesome. Everytime I am around Guillaume I learn at least 3 things I never knew before.... True.

Well, these pictures are taken from today. Isn't the sky so beautiful! I can't even believe it. It looks like heaven! Anyway, please enjoy them. I know I do.....

Bahahahahaha! Ok, these pictures are so ridiculous, I know! It is awful. It was so funny though! Also, I would like you to know that as Amelia was taping up her face she was saying something about how boys are like fish in a pond. Then she said, "We've only got one shot...." Heeheehee. Why is she so cool?!

Well, that is pretty much all I have to say for now. I hope you are all doing well.


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