This week has been pretty great. The week is only half over but I feel like it has gone on forever. (That is a good thing in this case. I feel like time is going by SO FAST!)
Well, Monday Amelia's Dad left at 4:00 am. He will be gone until the 1st of December I think. (He is in an Opera that is playing out of town.) Then, later on we ate lunch with Damien and Bastian. We ended up being almost an hour late... :S. (Everyone is pretty used to us showing up late though, so it came as no surprise.) That was very fun. They are both really cool. Damien is really nice and quiet, and Bastian is pretty nice and crazy so they were a good pair :). It was just wonderful.... On the way home, Amelia and I stopped off at Auchan to get some pastries :D. We got some Chocolate Eclairs and let me tell you.... they were delicious! I could probably eat 20 of them! They were big too. Oh man....
Ok, Tuesday..... not such a good day. So, I tried to leave early so that I could go practice before my Piano lesson. Well, off I went. After a few minutes of walking it started to rain. It wasn't too bad so I didn't really care. (I was starting to wish I had brought an umbrella though...) So anyway, I get in the tram and am headed to Hotel de Ville. Well, it started dumping pretty good so when I got to Hotel de Ville I ran to the other tram stop to get some cover while I waited for the next tram. Well, everyone else was doing the same thing, so after a minute we were all just crammed under the thing. So, we were all standing there waiting for the tram to come and then all of a sudden there was lightning right over us! No kidding! I thought there were bombs dropping or something. I saw it right over the tram tracks! It was so crazy! Right when you saw the lightning, you heard the thunder. Man.... It was kind of scary too because everybody was just holding their umbrellas up in the air. Sheesh... Honestly, I can't believe it didn't hit somebody! Anyway, so that was super exciting! So then, I don't know if it was because of that but the tram wasn't coming. So, off I walk to Victoire in the pouring rain with no umbrella. Pretty much I was dripping by the time I got there. My shoes were soaking, my hair was dripping, my pants and coat were soggy, and my fingers were all red and frozen. So.... I ended up being an hour late to the church so I only had a little while to practice. (Plus, I spent some of it in front of the hand dryer in the bathroom, trying to dry my shoes and socks.... :P) Well, I was pretty much miserable by the time I got to my piano lesson but.... I just love Celine so the lesson went well considering how sorry I was feeling for myself. Plus, I found out that I only have to pay for the 3 months that I was in the music school instead of the whole year. That was a bonus. Another bonus.... she was genuinely sad that I was leaving. I didn't know if she would be.... Of course, in the end that will make everything worse, but it is nice to know that it wasn't so awful for her. The ignorant American that I am.... :) Pretty much the moral of this story is.... it's hard becoming pro.... which is why I won't ever be :).
So, I got home and put on the warmest/comfiest clothes I could find. Then we headed off to the Institute building to watch a movie with some of the young adults. Thank goodness Guillaume was willing to drive us because after the miserable/wet/cold day that I had, there was no way I was taking the tram. Well, it was fun... A good ending to the day. We watched X-Men Origins and it was marvelous. I love the movie. Mostly I just love Hugh Jackman if we are being honest.... I also love Wolverine though so it was just a good mix. :)
So Wednesday.... I babysat from 1:30-6:45. I tell you... these boys are so much fun. I just love them! We get along pretty great even though we really don't understand eachother. They are so cute!!! I have realized that I have this special love for little boys. I just love them so much! They are the greatest ever! I can't get enough. Also, most especially French little boys. I cannot explain to you how cute they are! Honestly, they have just stolen my heart and I will never get it back, I'm sure....
Antonin was dancing to some music :)
Alright, here it is. The famous Breakfast of Kings. No, not really... Just my favorite breakfast in the universe. Here we have Baguette with butter and jam along with some delicious hot chocolate. Here is what you do. You dip the baguette in the hot chocolate and then you eat it. Not that difficult... After this picture, I absolutely snarfed. Believe it.
So, I have recently discovered that the price for the University here in France is 300-500€. Is this a joke?! Honestly... I could totally afford that! So, I am still going home for Christmas but as for coming back... I may be able to sooner than I had planned :). This is just wonderful :).
Also, I am learning this song. If you even care.....
So yeah. That is the update. Sorry the pictures aren't really that interesting....
Lindsay. You're posts are so good! And the pictures are AMAZING! I wish i had your skill/camera.