I am at this very moment listening to "White Christmas" by Bing Crosby. Love it. Nothing better :). Happy Holidays everyone! Oh, I just LOVE Christmas time!
Friday, November 26, 2010
"Excuse me, Captain. Haven't we forgotten to thank the Lord?"
I am at this very moment listening to "White Christmas" by Bing Crosby. Love it. Nothing better :). Happy Holidays everyone! Oh, I just LOVE Christmas time!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
"You want the moon? Just say the word and I'll throw a lasso around it and pull it down."
You will notice that there aren't many pictures, again. You are right. My camera just started working so hopefully there will be more in the future. There are only a couple weeks left though.... :(.
Guillaume was going home. As he was leaving us with his "when you're in doubt..." thought of the day, he opened the door and this very loud singing drowned out everything . Our neighbor apparently had a lot of drunken girls over (and if they weren't drunk.... I won't even tell you my feelings towards them.) Well.... they were going on for an hour at least. I could hear them as I was falling asleep. Hilarious. I think drunk people are hilarious. You definitely see a lot of them here....
I went to the church to practice on Friday. I had been practicing for about 10 minutes when Alban and Corentin walk in. Dang it. They were painting sets for some Christmas Play or something that is coming up. Well, they told me I could keep playing and ignore them. I did for a while. When I couldn't anymore, I asked if I could help. Well, needless to say it was a party. Corentin and I were painting grass one one of the backgrounds. It was pathetic really. We didn't have enough yellow to mix with the blue so it was pretty blue for a while. Then we found some green. So... it was just rainbow grass really. It looked pretty awful but it was fun. The best part of the whole thing was when they had a shoe fight. It was ridiculous. I thought I was babysitting for a minute :). They just became little boys again or something. It was so funny :). It went on for a while but stopped after a flying shoe hit a bowl of paint and spilled all over the floor :). heehee. Don't worry. We cleaned it up. So yeah..... that was a good day. I only practiced for about 30 minutes but.... it was worth it.
Saturday morning I tasted a real deal french Croissant. They are much better than the Kohlers ones. Believe it. It was delicious. Amelia just went and bought a baguette AND croissants. What could be better?! Nothing..... She is just the best ever.
Saturday night we went over to Marc's house to have a party. We just sat around and talked (listened in my case) and ate food and drank hot chocolate. There was Jonathon, Marc, Solene, her friend, Amelia, Alban, his fiancé, and Corentin. It was fun. Jonathon was the comedian apparently. He reminds me of my uncle Seth. Everyone was just waiting around for him to say something funny :). Heehee.....
On Sunday after church I went over to Adaline's house. I hadn't been for a while so I promised Adaline I would that day :). Well, Olivier (her uncle) made us dinner. He made a delicious tart that was so good! It had eggs, cheese, bacon, onions, and zucchini. It was so good. Better than what I would have had at home, that is for sure. Amelia and I are running super low on food. We have been eating a large selection of noodles, brussels sprouts, hamburgers, and fish sticks for the past week. That is all we have left. We may go shopping tonight. We may not. Yesterday, we had plain noodles with brussle sprouts for lunch. It ended up with us having to pretend they were Krispy Kreme donuts to be able to eat them. We made some odd mixtures of noodles with ketchup and lemonaid with cherry syrup (cherry lemon donut...?), or noodles with steak, mayonnaise, and lemonaid (chocolate covered creme filled. My favorite). It was just absolutely ridiculous. It is getting bad.....
Well, Sunday night after we had dinner and sat and talked for a while, we went over to Guillaume's house. We drank carro, talked and watched The Prince of Egypt (because it was Sunday after all). It was great. Also, Guillaume showed us this video. Hilarious! Please watch it! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hElms3Jk1Ls
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
"That cursed beast liked the taste of me so well he's followed me ever since, licking his chops for the rest of me."
Good times, good times..... These are just the greatest people.....
Now I would like to send a message out to Curty, my blogger buddy. Thank you for the Banana Bread recipe. I definitely love Smittenkitchen also. (To all of you human beings out there, if you ever need a delicious recipe, go there first. It has changed my life....) I have some bad news though. France hasn't yet discovered brown sugar. I don't understand how they can live without it. I have had a pretty hard time with it, let me tell you! So, pretty much I am saying that I have been searching for a recipe that will be delicious with only white sugar. I guess I could just try yours anyway but just substitute. Sigh........... what is this world coming to?
Well, last night was pretty slow. We didn't really do that much. Amelia was off in one room and I was trying to get warm in our room. I decided to watch a movie. Well, I picked the only movie of theirs that I haven't seen.... I think it is called Just Like Heaven. On the box the title was in French so I can't be sure. "Et si c'etait vrai...." ("And if it was real/true...." Maybe.... something like that I think.) Anyway, it was alright. I tried my hardest but I really couldn't find the main guy very attractive.... inside or out. Call me shallow if you want, but that is a big deal for me. Otherwise I can't really get into the movie.... heehee. Why am I even talking about this?! :D Well, there you go. Now you know another completely useless fact about me. Lucky.....
Well, today was really slow. Last night before we fell asleep she asked me what time I wanted to be woken up. I said 8:00. Well, we both heard the alarm this morning.... but we actually ended up waking up at 10:00. Hahaha... I think that happens EVERY time she asks what time I want to be woken up. It is like a curse. I had better tell her to stop because it ends up wasting half the day. Well, I got up went to buy a baguette....mmmmm. It had been too long since I had had one. Then we scarfed... obviously. Well, I went to go practice at the church today, but.... there was this huge missionary something going on and every room with a piano was full. Lame. So, I had to turn right around and go back home. Another day without practicing :S. I stopped off at Auchan and bought a Pain au Chocolate. Mmmmmm. Delicious. Apparently Bros. Weyland (Tanner and Benjamin) once brought one home to mom and she ate the whole thing. My mom has self control like NO OTHER when it comes to sweeties so that means a lot. I have been needing one ever since I heard the story. Today was the day for it. Needless to say, it was delicious! I made a good decision.
So, lately Amelia and I have been talking about Audrey Hepburn movies. First of all, I love Audrey Hepburn. Basically I wish I was her, but... beggars can't be choosers :). Did you all know she had a pet deer named Pippin? I am completely serious... Now, she is your favorite too :). Well, pretty much we have decided how we think it is dumb how she seems to often get put with ugly old guys (exception: Gregory Peck... I am in love with him). What is the deal with that anyway? A lot of old movies are that way actually. Did they have no young, attractive actors back in the day? I think it is a little odd, but.... if we are being honest, I love the movies anyway. Also if we are being honest, I think Humphrey Bogart is ugly. I do love a lot of his movies though, which just proves me ENTIRELY wrong about what I said earlier.... I'm sorry you guys. I am just as useless as a... I can't think of anything that is completely useless. If you think of one, that is me... Also, I would like to acknowledge that at the same time, there are a lot of attractive men on old movies.... Yes, I know I am an imbecile..... Shut up, Lindsay. You are making no sense.... Ok, what I am trying to say is, it bugs me when they put Audrey Hepburn with ugly guys. They don't deserve her. That is all. (I was thinking of deleting this whole paragraph but... I will leave it up to amuse you. Also, to fill up space.)
So, as I mentioned forever ago, it seems to me that every single person in France smokes! Apparently they don't because Amelia was telling me that it used to be way worse a few years ago. I don't even like to think about that..... Well anyway, I hate it. I can just feel the lung cancer coming on. Well, the only times that it is ok is when I see an old man smoking a pipe :). It just reminds me of Lord of the Rings... or Dane. He always said if he ever smoked (which we all know he never would. Just clarifying....) he would smoke a pipe. I can only agree. Also, I just love seeing little short old men dressed in plaid pants with a little hat on and using a cane. They have some cute old people here. I love it.
Well, I guess should stop rambling. I need to head to Institute......
Here is a quote.
- "The life of every man is a diary in which he means to write one story, and writes another; and his humblest hour is when he compares the volume as it is with what he vowed to make it."
- J.M. Barrie (genius)
Sunday, November 14, 2010
"I'm glad to be with you, Samwise Gamgee, here at the end of all things..."
Hmm, well.... things have been good. Amelia and I have pathetically been trying to act responsibly since her dad left. It is weird. You have to keep track of when you need to go shopping and when you need to clean or water plants, etc. etc. Ok, what? I already know that you all do this every day! I'm sorry I am a loser and have never had a life :). It is ok. Now I have. All I am saying is that it is funny to think about us taking care of these things :). Heehee. Yesterday Guillaume came over and wiped our table off.... woops. Apparently things are getting bad. Oh well. For the most part we do pretty good. It is when we don't have a lot of time that things get pretty messy......
Well, these pictures today are from the Primary Activity that we had on Saturday. Can I just say how much I love working in the Primary?! I LOVE working in the primary! It is the best! There aren't a ton of kids so it doesn't get too crazy, and they are all so cute! I can't hardly stand it. I absolutely love it. I love all of them. So....pretty much me and Amaël are best friends now. My FAVORITE boy in the world! Honestly.... for reals guys.... this isn't even a joke. I love him. He is SO cute!! So, we were basically playing the whole time and he even let me hold him. Man! Best day ever! The next day (Sunday), he saw me in the hall and he yelled, "Lindsay!!!!!" Yes :). Best ever. Not even kidding. It has pretty much made my life..... Anyway.... I hope these pictures aren't completely boring for you all. I just love these kids......
They were explaining Freeze Tag.
Alright well. That was fun.
Well, let me think what else has been going on. Last night we went to a Young Adult fireside/broadcast. Well... that is what it was supposed to be. We got to the church and it was locked. We then went over to the institute building but they couldn't get it on their computer so.... we didn't actually watch it. We ended up hanging out in the Institute Kitchen and inventing how to make caramel to pour on popcorn. It was an adventure for sure :). None of them worked out but... they were ok. I definitely felt sick by the time I got home though :). When we got home, we made dinner for us and Guillaume. Poor Guillaume had a dinner he won't forget :). Not because of the food. It was the company. heehee. I think we were tired or something. He didn't even have a minute of peace, poor guy. Plus, it was actually food that he didn't like. We didn't really have anything else though. He ate it like a good boy though. So anyway. Afterwards we all stayed up WAY too late talking about the most random things and laughing our heads off. Of course. Isn't that always what happens when you stay up late? I don't think it can be helped.... Oh well. It was really fun :).
Well, I would like to tell you all that Water is the best thing ever. I don't actually super like it but it helps so much! I have been drinking a ton of it, hoping it will clear my skin and it totally has! Also, totally losing weight still. I forgot how well it worked.... I would encourage you all to drink tons. Exactly tons.
Well, bad news. At the Primary Program during an exciting struggle for a soccer ball, my camera fell off the stage and onto the floor. Well.... luckily it didn't break the insides or anything, but the Lens had some pieces that broke off. It will take pictures if I hold it in just right, but... it isn't the same. Well, it is ok though. Guillaume is going to lend me some super glue so hopefully I will be able to fix it. If not, I will eventually buy a new one. It is a bummer though. It is alright though.... it could have been much worse. I am grateful that it even works at all :).
Sometime this week Amelia and I are going to make Banana Bread! Yes! We are just waiting very impatiently for the Bananas to get really ripe. I will tell you how it goes. I am so excited. I have been wanting to make something delicious forever :).
Also, I just have to say... I don't understand how girls can say "I hate boys!" I mean really.... I absolutely love them. They are so much fun. They don't have all the lame superficial things about them that girls do. With girls often you feel like they are judging, or just being nice because they think they should, or you just get bored..... I am not saying this is how all girls are.... I love girls too. Please believe it. I definitely like hanging out with guys though :). They feel so real to me. That is why I like them. I am so glad that Amelia and I are the kind of girls that guys can stand to be around. I consider that a good thing even though I am not SO sure it is :). I wonder if I will have any feminine thing about me once I go back :). Well, did I ever?...... Heehee. Oh well. That is what happens when you grow up with 5 boys I guess. I wouldn't trade it for anything....
Well, I need to go practice. It has been fun.....