Monday, February 4, 2013

my baby is sick :(.
why oh why did i have to kiss him so much?!?.....
we're taking a lazy day and sleeping lots and lots. 
thank the heavens (and shiloh) for that blessed swing. he loves that thing.
sometimes he smiles at himself in the reflector thing above him :). 

sweet little boy is sick, but still all smiles. 
i've been trying not to kiss him so much. hardest thing i've ever done. 

(hehe!!!! you should hear his sweet little fake whine right now! i'm trying not to laugh....) 

i guess we haven't been as careful with him as we should be. 
we took him to sacrament yesterday.
and the day before that we went out to eat, and then shopping. 
he usually just sleeps in his carseat, but he was having none of that. 
.... i took him out!!!! yes! it's true..... 
 and this is what happens....

poor boy woke up and couldn't breathe out of his nose and then cried his head off while i tried to 
suck out all of his snot.
and then he started coughing.... it breaks my heart every time he does it. 
i am also sick. 
we both woke up sick. 
i've got the super dry throat cough which sounds like what he has, but his is a little more raspy.
 i hope he's ok. he is being a little champ.
that good little baby has been sleeping all day. he wakes up to eat, and then i put him in that swing and he goes right to sleep and sleeps and sleeps and sleeps. if sleeping helps babies as much as everyone else, he should be better in no time....... (i'm keeping my fingers crossed!)

i love this perfect little boy.

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