Wednesday, February 27, 2013

the other day, I was looking at this little chunk's hands. 
they are so stinking cute. he's getting little knuckle dimples.
this is my attempt to try and show you his cute little body. 
he's a squirmer, so it didn't quite work out the way I had hoped... but he's still cute :). 

new swim trunks

cutest new overalls

we're always thinking of you, Dane.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Friday, February 22, 2013

old navy is having a sale.
 we stocked up. this kid is getting so big.
 the 0-3 have no chance of fitting him anymore.
it's so sad but so exciting at the same time. 
i can't wait until he can talk with me.
and play with me.
and i just really really want to squeeze him tight...
he's a little too small for that right now.

i guess he must be a good mix of the two of us because no one can really ever tell who he looks like.
silas always says dane, but... it's silas, so i don't know.
one thing we do know for sure is that he smiles like a conrad. 
his eyes scrunch up and almost close when he smiles. 
it kills all of us. 
cutest, biggest smiles ever.

besides outgrowing his clothes, i can tell he's growing because he thinks he's starving almost every hour.
thankfully not at night. he usually will go 7 hours at night. 
bless that child. 
i'm scared to have another kid because i KNOW it will be terrible compared to him.
i wouldn't even know what to do. 
no one would be able to tell i have a kid already.
he is so special. i mean that.
i don't know why he wanted to come to us! 
probably to help us, because we certainly can't do much to help him, poor kid.
i try to ask myself "what would tanya do?" as often as i can...  because that would be the right thing to do. 
 i would be the best mom if i was like tanya. 
hopefully i can figure out how before he gets old enough to realize i'm not actually the best mom.
i'll tell you what though... i will love him forever and nothing can stop me!
i literally can't stop kissing him. i can't. i've tried. 
don't you want to eat him?....

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

every stinking day I can't believe how I got so lucky. 
every. stinking. day. 

there are only a few things I can't go without. 
 (burgers fried in butter?... ok, texas. your one redeeming quality. the only one.)
(he is so so so good to me.)
and arthur.
(there never was a better, sweeter baby to his momma.)

sometimes I get a little down when chubbs is away all day. I sure do love that guy. and he loves me too which is the best part of all. silas teases him because he tells me he loves me about every 5 minutes :). I can't complain. I love him right back. when he's gone, the only reason I don't spend every day crying in my room is because of my sweet little poophead. seriously.
 (ok, really.... he just smiled in his sleep and I died.)
I love him so much! why is he so good to me???????????
how on earth did I get these boys?...seriously... my heart... it can't hold all the love..... I've had to start storing it in other places....  like my belly... and my bum. (yuck gross.)
it's valentine's day every day. and my birthday and christmas.

oh. and look at this stinking cute hat on my baby.
go ahead. cry.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

This is what you get - 

when you have a perfect baby that sleeps for 9 hours straight. 

Arthur! We love you!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Pardon the retard baby voice in the background....

2 months old today.

i was looking at a blog the other day and the lady had a baby who was 4 months old and just barely wearing 3-6 month clothes.... sheesh. if only. i want to keep this baby small forever.

his personality is starting to show and we love it :). 
chubbs used to say he was bland. not anymore he doesn't (probably more because i got mad at him than because he changed his mind ;)....).
 he's so much fun.
 he smiles a ton. and then he is very serious.
 he's starting to laugh a little bit when we smile and talk to him.
 he has the whimpiest tiny little whine and i think it's so stinking cute.
 he has nightmares and wakes up crying like i've never heard him cry. it breaks my heart and i love to snuggle him back to sleep. 
we give him baths in the big tub and he loves them and smiles the whole time. 
he really hasn't been pooping like he should. we're talking 3-4 days between poops. those poops are ginormous and so much fun to change...... stinker.
the kids just can't get enough of him (mainly court) and hug and kiss him 100 times every day. so do i. 
the other night he slept for almost 7 hours straight in his swing. he cannot get enough i tell you.
i love playing with him in the morning. he is just so sweet and perfect!!!! i wish you all could see! 
and he is so beautiful when he's sleeping. i could just stare at him the whole time. 
his ears are starting to stick out a little bit and we love them!
we're still loving his little sounds :). every time chubbs says, "alright... that was really cute." :)
he is starting to pull out his pouty lip. it kills me every time. love that thing.

he is seriously one of my best friends. for reals. i love him so much.