Thursday, September 30, 2010

Think of the happiest things. It's the same as having wings."

Hi. Hello.

Well, I don't have really anything planned to tell you all about so, this should be an adventure for everyone :).

So, first.... I didn't really take pictures this past week, so.... I thought I should just put some pictures up of wonderful things. I hope at least some of you will enjoy them :). I know I do!

So, I just got back from practicing my piano at the Church. It is a wonderful place to practice. I love it! The sweet cleaning lady that is there every day is so wonderful! I just love her. Nevermind that I've only seen her twice :). She is so cute. The first day, she just came in randomly and asked if I wanted a glass of water :). Anyway.... we did finally get permission for me to practice at the church whenever someone was there, which appears to be every day. Awesome. So, I have got to use a nice piano this week :). It is just wonderful.

Well, tonight I am going to my first Institute class. Before, it was Institute F.H.E. - Not the same thing. On Sunday we went to a big... kick-off party thing for it. We have these very large manuals, all in French. How great :). I am interested to see how it goes and if I get anything out of it :). Also, funny..... it is an Eternal Marriage class.... hehe. So funny. There is a D&C class, but that is on Wednesday. I will be able to go SOME weeks, but not EVERY week. Anyway, kind of weird, but I will survive I'm sure.

So, there seem to be some sort of radioactive mosquitoes here, because I get the craziest bites ever. I had one on my leg a while ago, and it started to get all purple and veiny looking... if you know what I mean. I'm serious... it is weird. But, one of the Sister Missionaries was telling me that when she first got here, she got a bite on her ankle and it swelled a ton. I have all these red swollen parts on my arms now :). And they are from last week!

Something funny. I've noticed that when French people speak English, they put H's everywhere they aren't supposed to be, and they take them off of all the words where they are supposed to be :). For example, last night we watched "Itch" with our "harms" folded.... so funny.

Well, I have recently become aware of something wonderful. Guillaume is a total nerd :). How wonderful. I am so excited. He is totally into things such as animes, superheroes, and video games. Well, due to my perfect brothers, I am somewhat of a nerd myself when it comes to these things. We speak nerd to eachother quite often. We have formed a great relationship :). Also, Batman is always the best, no matter what anyone else says.....

I love Batman!

I love waffles.

Brian, Brian, Brian........ "every little thing is gonna be alright."

Don't even worry.... he is just feeling how my hair is made of straw.

This is Pilaj. He is Amelia's teddy bear she got for her birthday.... this year :).

Yes, she was hanging shirts from her hair......
Well, I would write more but I need to get going. I love you "hall." Have the best week!

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