Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Practically perfect in every way....

My darling Benjamin, 

First, can I just say I'm so glad you're reading The Great Gatsby. They're making a movie of it. Have you seen the preview? It looks a little odd, but you never know. And also, that was the most perfect thing you could have ever picked out from the entire book. It's absolutely marvelous. Thank you for sharing. And I will absolutely bring Dracula. It will change your life. 

Benjamin, are you ever going to come stay with us? Is there any chance you'll get into swim team? Because if there's not, I might have a job for you! At Sammy's with Emily. It could be fun. Apparently they need to hire more boys. I don't know. It's an option. Oh hey. Nevermind. I just read the part about you being in the Gold Swim team :). Good. Goodgood. 

Please tell me all about the "perfect date" you and Elisa went on the other day. I keep hearing things, but I just need to hear all the details from you. It's enough to make me lose my mind. I just need to know. Also, I saw the rose and I was so proud of you. You little bum. I sure do love ya. 

Now listen. My belly grew 3 sizes that day.... I mean last week. It's so embarrassing. I get to see my baby today. Hopefully it's still alive. It's the size of a medium shrimp... however big that is.....

Now Benj.... you're just so great and I love seeing pictures of you. You're so wonderful. And even though I'm fat and sick, life is goodgoodgood. See you tonight. Happy Summer. 

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