Wednesday, March 9, 2011

"I never touch spirits. Have you some milk?"

Once there was a girl who was lost in time.
That girl was me.
She was insane.

I made that up....

So, I'm not really sure exactly what has happened these past few days. I figure I may as well stay on the random track I've been on so as to not throw anyone off..... Yeah.

Well, what is my latest obsession? This movie. Flipped. I went over to Brittani's house on Saturday night (after our weekly jaunt to Barnes and Noble) to watch it. I didn't know what to expect, knowing nothing about it except that Bailee said it was the cutest movie she had ever seen. My expectations were high. I will tell you it didn't disappoint. I loved every last minute of it. WATCH IT! I am telling you, it is the cutest movie ever! Completely appropriate. I may just be in love with the little boy in it. Don't judge me. Watch it, and you will understand exactly what I am saying to you.....

Well, I had a tough weekend to say the least. I may have gone through a miniature mid-life crisis in just a couple days. No, that is definitely an exaggeration :). BUT, I did have an emotionally rough weekend. Who knows why? I'm not usually a very emotional human being, and sometimes I wonder if I am capable of feeling them at all, but I will tell you now that I can :). But really, I don't need to delve too deep into this. I only mention it because it was the reason I went over to Brittani's house AGAIN on Sunday, after church. I went to Tanya and Travis' ward that day, so I had Brittani come pick me up (both for her sake and mine. We both needed a little break from life. Which leads me, again, to the fact that I love driving around in Oregon. It is BEATIFUL. We took the long way back:). ). So.... this is all just a very long way of saying "I went over to Brittani's house on Sunday night because I wanted a little break." It was a good night. Craig and Tiffani got engaged just the night before (I was there when they announced it! I am always there at the best times....), so the place was in a state of euphoria. Yes, I just said that. George made ribs, AND homemade frozen yogurt. I am told that both of them were the best he had ever made. (Score again!) And I can honestly tell you that I believed I was in heaven. Sometimes truths come with confessions, which leads me to mine. I have never had ribs before. If I have, I can't remember it. Obviously they left no impression on my memory. Having said that, this next part may not seem that spectacular, but.... I believe those ribs were the best ever made. Really George.... you are a genius. (I saw him spray these ribs with apple juice...). The impression is now made. I love ribs...... George's anyway. Which leads me to another thing.... homemade frozen yogurt!?!? What?! Why have I never thought of this?! Another specialty of George. It was so good. I can't even explain..... Needless to say, it was an unforgettable evening.

Bailee couldn't get enough of it. She was half crazed by the time we got the rib in her hand. This is the girl who wants milk and meat served at her reception :).
Congratulations Tiffani and Craig! You are both giant weirdos!

Saturday, before the trip to Barney's (Barnes and Noble. That's what I like to call it. We are pretty close at this point....), Erik, Brittani and I walked around downtown Hillsboro. We didn't do a thing but talk because it turned out all the stores were closed, BUT... we got some great pictures out of it. These two are my favorites in the whole world. I feel like we are all twins from Batman, Turkey (yes, it does exist) who were separated at birth and have now found each other. (I include Dane in this. We are just waiting for him to get here for the circle will be complete.) I honestly love them with my whole heart and am so glad that we are all friends. I don't like to think about what I would be like without them.... Crusty Ranch.... That's is even more than I would be worth. Just so you have an idea.

got it.

also, this is NOT posed. this is Erik. now you have a small idea of why I love him so.

Hmmm, what else? I love this book. This is the Pinocchio book Brittani bought from the antique store. Could it be more perfect? ....... Too bad she snagged it first.

Emily is here again. She left for the weekend but has now come back to me :). Brittani, Emily and I have spent every spare moment we have together. I really don't need to explain how great it has been because I'm sure you guys can imagine. Monday night, we got shakes at Red Robin (One of those times you get drunk off of ice cream. I'm sure you've all had one of those times....) and then fell asleep to "Eat, Pray, Love." Brittani has a trip to Italy coming up soon, so the movie made it even more exciting for her AND me. Julia Roberts first goes to Italy and you get to see so many cool things. It made me want to go so badly! I am so excited for her to go and experience that! I am sure she will go and never come back :). I don't blame her! She even has Italian classes lined up when she goes! And hardcore ones too. 4 classes a day! She's got the right idea. I wish I was smart enough to have thought of that before I went to France. I do have to say though that I think I preferred it the way it was. If I was booked with classes, I wouldn't have been able to do and see a lot of things. I am sure Brittani can handle it though. She is a ninja.

Lately, I have been having some real dread about the future. I still can't figure out what I am supposed to do, or even what I want to do. I feel like a little girl, lost in a huge toystore with invisible exits and all the store helpers are just kids pretending to be grown-ups and are really just as dumb as I am, and all I'm doing is trying to get out and find my parents or else hoping my prince will show up. What a pathetic waste of a midget.......

Tuesday, Emily, Brittani, Trey and I drove to Salem. Emily had a dentist appointment, and we just went along for the ride... AND Pietro's. It's a pirate pizza place. Sort of like Chuck E. Cheese. We had a good time. Lots of laughs. Lots of tickets. Lots of cheating on the Whack-a-Shark game. Good times....

And Today.... Oh today! What was it? Wonderful? Terrific? Marvelous, maybe? Yes to all of them. Brittani came over. We jumped in the car. Went to the dollar store. Bought dinosaur hats and party supplies. Went to Target while wearing said hats, and bought cake mix for cupcakes. Came home. Were laughed at by Tanya. Took pictures. Made cupcakes. Played games. Put up decorations (pirate, luau, spanish). Put on "Feliz Cumpleanos" party hats. Sang "Happy Birthday to Everyone." Ate the cupcakes. Watched an old Batman movie (the "Holy Bikini, Batman!" one). Could it get better? No.

Thank you family for being mine!

Countdown to Dane: 19 days

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