Tuesday, February 15, 2011

"Who knows where the road will lead us?......"

Hello. I'm not really going to tell anyone I am posting again, so.... if no one reads this, I don't care. It's more of a journal anyway...
Now I will tell you about my newest adventure. My perfect cousin, Tanya, is pregnant. She gets really really sick and can't really do anything. Well, a couple months ago as I was looking for a job in Utah, she called and asked if I would like to come up and take care of the kids. Definitely yes. I LOVE Tanya and Travis! There is nothing I would rather be doing than helping them.
Before I came, I had to finish drivers ed. *insert gag here* So, after much suffering and time-wasting I finally got my license! (That was one of the job requirements :). )
Well, I have been here only a couple days so far but I love it. It is definitely tiring and you have to use ALL your creativity and imagination but... it is great :). Margo (Travis' sister) has been helping the past few weeks while I was trying to get my license. She was supposed to leave the day I got here, but I am actually SO glad she didn't! With her here, I definitely realize what a big dummy I am, but she helps a lot and I have learned a lot from her. I have big shoes to fill. I hope I can do it.
Well, yesterday was Valentines day. We woke up to some Valentine presents on the table that Travis left. He even left one for "cousin Dindey" and Marge :). It was so sweet :). This is Trey and Lucy with theirs :).

Later that day, after school and cleaning, we went to "Out Of This World Pizza." It is a popular place around here. I couldn't help thinking I was walking into "Pizza Planet." I have always wished it was real, so it was neat that it KIND OF is :).

And of course, since it was Valentine's Day they had cookie decorating. Trey and Lucy made some.... loaded cookies :). They sure loved them though. (Which is all that matters...)

Good ol' Marge....
cutest kids ever....
He really DID like it.... even though it doesn't really look like it.....

So that was a huge party. After we played our hearts out, we went shopping for food and a Valentine for Travis. He is on a diet so we had to get him diet foods and such. We got him some protein bars, Turkey Jerky, and some socks :). He loved them :).

Well.... I can't think of anything else. Mind you, these posts won't be very interesting....
And with that, I bid you adieu.

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