Sunday, February 27, 2011

"And remember, no matter where you go, there you are."

Dear February,

Where did you go? You can't just walk out on me!......

No really though.... WHERE did it go?! Sheesh! March is rapidly approaching...... Although, I can't say I'm upset. Besides the fact that my life is slipping through my fingers before I can say "rice milk," I am really quite happy that it's March. Would anyone like to venture a guess as to why? Well, I won't give you the time to. It's because Dane is coming back to me :).

When I woke up this morning to find that it was the 27th of February, what did I do? Well first, I sent a happy birthday message to my dear cousin Caitlyn. She means more to me than life. After I had taken care of that most important thing, I had a slight meltdown. You can tell that I am in my own world here because I had no idea it was the 27th already. I haven't looked at a calendar for a while..... heh. So my point is, I was rather shocked that it is March already. There. Done.

This week Brittani told me I was timeless. Kind of super weird, but I loved it all the same. We were talking about how I don't feel 19 years old at all, and how it will be the end of life as I know it once I turn 20. Then she was saying how I definitely didn't seem anywhere in my teens. So, I am basically stuck in time, somewhere right between 18 and 19 years old. Anyway, I thought it was a neat idea and it feels about right to me :).

Well, this weekend was a good one. A great one, in fact. Friday night Brittani came over. Since Tanya and Travis try and hint me into having a life on the weekends, I figure I may as well. What is this life I have on the weekends? Brittani. That's it. But it sure is great. Friday night we went to Target, Ross, and then Barnes and Noble. First thing we did as we walked into that heaven was head straight to Starbucks. Judge us. Please judge us. All we did was get a Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate, and a Caramel Apple Cider. We walked all around the store drinking these divinities, and talking about everything we could think of. Basically the best night of my life. I am hoping Brittani is open for a weekly visit. What better way to spend a night? There is none. And to make the night even MORE magical (if you can even imagine), Brittani graced me with a whole night of her presence. She slept over :). Man.... NOW you understand why it was so great :). Well, it gets better. Saturday, we made banana bread. Erik came over and wrestled with Trey boy. I drove by myself to Brittani's house to practice piano. (YES!!!! Check. Done.) Besides the fact that my fingers were frozen, it went really well. Eventually I had to come in and thaw. Once I was inside, there was no going back out. I stayed and watched Psych (new favorite show) with Bailee, Reagan and Rocky. Brittani and Erik were at a boxing thing, and George and Jennifer were at a reception, so it was just us. Party. I slept over that night and went to the Singles Ward with Brittani again. I was determined to stay the whole time, and I did. It wasn't as awful as last time.... Maybe because I knew what I was in for :). It was a treat, let me tell you..... However, one good thing that came from it was the discovery of my future husband. He doesn't know it though. In fact, he is so mislead as to think he is in love with another girl (who is super cute) and they are actually engaged!...... Silly, eh?....... heh. No but really though... coolest, most attractive guy ever to live. Too bad..... :).

Brittani. Try and tell me you aren't in love with her......

Well, that is my life up to date. It is great, and confusing, and beautiful, and exciting, and tiring....whew. Crazy is what it is. But I love it. And I love all of you.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

"Man, you're the hottest thing since sunburns!"

Dear Diary,
It snowed today. We got about 2 inches here in Hillsboro. The response was ridiculous. I was just chuckling to myself about it all day. They talked about nothing else on the news, and if you sent in a picture, they would show it on tv :). Honestly.... these people are incredible. I love it :). School was canceled, of course, so every kid alive was outside playing in the snow. Luckily, Travis was home this morning to play with the kids. I felt a little rotten for not being excited, but I definitely wanted to just stay in the warm house. Tanya and I kept eachother company :). We have been watching tv almost all day.... woops.

Speaking of wasting my life away, I haven't practiced my piano in about a month..... heh. I am determined to go practice this weekend at Brittani's. I hope I can keep my resolve. Somebody PLEASE hold me to it! It's crazy to think that only a couple months ago I was practicing 4 times a week for a couple hours! What IS this?!

So, I realized a while ago that I haven't actually told a lot about Tanya. What the?!..... What kind of person am I?.... Well, she has been doing really well lately. She has a tube that pumps medicine into her stomach so she can keep food down. Every so often, Travis has to change the needle (that's hooked to the tube, that's hooked to the medicine) to a different spot on her stomach. Painful and terrible, but obviously worth it for her. It has definitely been helping. When I first got here she spent most of the time up in her room, but the past three or four days she has been able to come down and watch tv or whatever. Mostly just to be around the kids :). I am so glad to see her getting better though. She used to always look in pain, but now she actually doesn't seem to be doing so bad. There are times, but there is definitely improvement. She is really the coolest ever. I'm hoping that by the end of this, SOME of it might have rubbed off... :).
And Travis is just the greatest guy in the whole world. These kids are so lucky....

You may recall how, on Sunday, Brittani and I skipped the last 2 hours of church and drove around. Well, during this drive I truly discovered how much I love Oregon. There is nothing better than to drive around Oregon. Nothing. I could do it for hours and never get sick of it. (Well... not ALL over Oregon. Just the pretty, green parts... heh. I suppose I might be considered a fair weather friend in some circles...)

I have gossip. Lucy is in love with Justin Beiber. However strongly she may deny it, I have no doubt. Today, we were in my room and she wanted me to dance with her. Well, we needed music and I knew how much she loves HIS, so I put on a music video. Well, I couldn't get her off the computer until she had seen them ALL at least 3 times. Wow.... It was so cute though. There is no denying it... She, like so many others, has fallen for him. She especially loves it when he makes a heart with his hands.... :)

Eat more grapefruit.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

May I have the next dance, Miss Elizabeth?

So, I may have just decided to elope to Ireland.

This is what I would eat for breakfast on my wedding day.

This is what I would pass on the way to my wedding.

Now I just need to find Mr. Darcy.......
Ok, but really.... it's almost midnight! What am I doing awake!?.....
p.s. Just a warning: My camera is out of batteries and as I didn't bring my charger with me (DUMB!), it may be a while before I post again. When I do, it will probably be nonsense. Much like tonight :).

Sunday, February 20, 2011

I have a rendezvous with Starcommand.....

Well, this week was great. Margo left on Thursday, which left me all of Friday by myself. It was a super rainy, gloomy day and we didn't actually do anything but play in the house. Lucy and I ate candy and danced around to a "candy girl" song that she made up herself. Good times :)........

On Saturday, Jess, Emily and Spencer came. Emily had a dance performance that night so they decided to come over before. Trey and I went with them over to Rocky's for his birthday party. (Lucy wouldn't come... :(. ) Wesley and Jamie also came for the party. These are all pictures of the party as I am sure you will notice :). It was a Pokemon party! Wow :). Crazy. Rocky is awesome. They had Cheesecake and Red Velvet Cake. Both were SUPER good. Also, they had Whole Milk! It's been a while since I've had the real stuff. We only have Rice Milk over here :). I can't complain though. I should be grateful though. If I were at their house, I would have gained 10 lbs. by now......haha. It happened last time and it can happen again!

awesome game.
After the party Brittani, Emily, Trey and I came back home wish some Sonic Slushies for Tanya :). Justin and Marie were there with their new baby, Nora. She was so cute! Wesley and Jamie came over later and then Jess and Spencer brought over some Pizza for dinner. It was surprisingly good. Moto Pizza. It's only $5, but is 20 times better than Little Caesars! Believe it! We all agreed.
Love them! Caitlyn, where ARE you???

Brittani put Emily's hair up for her dance performance, and then after they left, Brittani and I headed over to her house. Tanya and Travis encouraged me to go spend the night and then go to the Singles Ward with Brittani. So I went. The only reason I agreed is because Brittani was giving a talk. Support.... you know?....... I love going over to their house. It's like a second home. I love their family. It feels like I never left! But anyway.... spent the night, went to church,..... almost died. Honestly, I know how strong my hate is for Singles Wards, but I don't even think this was me talking myself into it being awful. First of all, FIRST THING..... this poor, sweet spirit come up to us and says, "Look what I found!
while holding up an orange golf ball and a ziplock back with a salt shaker inside. Then she just kept going on about how it was SO funny that she would find THOSE instead of a Crayon or something. I am sure everyone knows someone like this. The kind that talk to you, and then KEEP talking to you... about who knows what? Alright... so that was just a sample. I also got asked to say the closing prayer in sacrament meeting, and was announced as "Lindsay Waller"..... who even knows?...... BUT.... Brittani gave a GREAT talk! I am so proud. That is a long time to talk, and she did great! It was about how sometimes in our lives, there are moments where we feel so much guidance and help, whereas other times we kind of feel a little alone. Even when we are doing all the same good things we were before. Sometimes it is a tool the lord uses to strengthen our faith and trust, and even ourselves. She used the brother of Jared as an example. With the stones, you know? The Lord made him figure it out for himself first. Anyway, it was really good. Now, this next confession, I may as well just get out there. Judge me if you wish. I couldn't take anymore after Sacrament, so I asked Brittani if we could just leave (pretending it was a joke... heehee....) and she said yes...! So we did. She drove me all around and showed me all the tricks of getting around. I feel much more comfortable. I think my time was well spent :).... even though it probably wasn't the BEST ever.....

honestly, he is so cute. No one can deny it....

Well, that pretty much is everything interesting. I am home again, and we have a busy week ahead of us. Wish me luck...... :)

I don't even want to comment on this one.....

nothing better.
Cool Pokemon cheesecake with huge candles


Thank heavens Spencer was there! Poor Trey Boy was having a hard time....

Trey was wrestling with everybody... :).... :S......

Cute brothers. They couldn't get enough of each other :). We had to leave without them!

Also.....Bailee is so cute.....

Friday, February 18, 2011

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

"Who knows where the road will lead us?......"

Hello. I'm not really going to tell anyone I am posting again, so.... if no one reads this, I don't care. It's more of a journal anyway...
Now I will tell you about my newest adventure. My perfect cousin, Tanya, is pregnant. She gets really really sick and can't really do anything. Well, a couple months ago as I was looking for a job in Utah, she called and asked if I would like to come up and take care of the kids. Definitely yes. I LOVE Tanya and Travis! There is nothing I would rather be doing than helping them.
Before I came, I had to finish drivers ed. *insert gag here* So, after much suffering and time-wasting I finally got my license! (That was one of the job requirements :). )
Well, I have been here only a couple days so far but I love it. It is definitely tiring and you have to use ALL your creativity and imagination but... it is great :). Margo (Travis' sister) has been helping the past few weeks while I was trying to get my license. She was supposed to leave the day I got here, but I am actually SO glad she didn't! With her here, I definitely realize what a big dummy I am, but she helps a lot and I have learned a lot from her. I have big shoes to fill. I hope I can do it.
Well, yesterday was Valentines day. We woke up to some Valentine presents on the table that Travis left. He even left one for "cousin Dindey" and Marge :). It was so sweet :). This is Trey and Lucy with theirs :).

Later that day, after school and cleaning, we went to "Out Of This World Pizza." It is a popular place around here. I couldn't help thinking I was walking into "Pizza Planet." I have always wished it was real, so it was neat that it KIND OF is :).

And of course, since it was Valentine's Day they had cookie decorating. Trey and Lucy made some.... loaded cookies :). They sure loved them though. (Which is all that matters...)

Good ol' Marge....
cutest kids ever....
He really DID like it.... even though it doesn't really look like it.....

So that was a huge party. After we played our hearts out, we went shopping for food and a Valentine for Travis. He is on a diet so we had to get him diet foods and such. We got him some protein bars, Turkey Jerky, and some socks :). He loved them :).

Well.... I can't think of anything else. Mind you, these posts won't be very interesting....
And with that, I bid you adieu.