Wednesday, December 1, 2010

"Well, it's not like being stuck with the dreadful nose you get. One does have a choice to whom one loves."

Hi :)

I figured it was about time to write again. I don't really have that much to report though. My time is drawing to a close, and I am just trying to fit everything in.

So, this first picture was when Amelia and I were going to Stake Conference on Saturday night. I tell you... France has the prettiest sky! I can't even believe it! I just love watching the sun sets... They don't have the bright colors like some sunsets, but it just just so beautiful. It really reminds me of heaven. You know that picture of Jesus' second coming (I think) with all the angels behind him, blowing trumpets, etc? Well, that is what it reminds me of... So pretty. The camera can never take really good pictures of it though. This will have to suffice though. It is still pretty, just not as pretty as in real life.

So, as I mentioned, last weekend was stake conference. We had an adult session on Saturday night, and then we had the big one on Sunday. Amelia and I ended up 1 hour late for the Saturday one... :S. I honestly don't know how it happens. We are late for EVERYTHING. It is ok though, we made up for it on Sunday. We were 30 minutes early, but that is because Guillaume had to go early and we were getting a ride. In fact, I am quite proud of myself. I got ready in 5 minutes. Believe it. I didn't even look that bad.... awesome. I am so cool.

After Stake Conference, we went over to Amelia's Aunts' house. We had dinner and then just sat around and talked for a few hours. I actually really love her family. They are really cool. I love it because, they all talk a lot :). It isn't annoying though. It is fun. It keeps you from falling asleep :). Also, guess what I ate on Sunday? 2 runny eggs. Believe it. I never have in my whole life. As long as I wasn't thinking about what I was eating, it wasn't half bad. (For those of you who don't know... I have a problem with eating eggs. Especially half cooked eggs....) I just dipped some large pieces of Baguette in the yolk and then chewed and swallowed. Not so bad..... I wouldn't eat them every day though. But anyway, this is boring.... So, yes, we talked and talked. Adeline invited Amelia and I to go eat dinner at this restaurant that is apparently REALLY good. It is always full she says. We are going on Saturday. Adeline is so cool. I really like her and she likes me too apparently. She is convinced that I need to live in France. She says I seem more French than American...heehee. She is just thinking of anything that could keep me here... School mostly. I guess we'll see.

Also, this is the new dog that they got. AH! SO CUTE! I cannot tell you all how perfect this dog is. It pretty much potty trained itself in a day. It is the quietest, sweetest dog you have ever seen in your life. You can hold it for hours and it will just sit there. I'm not kidding! This is the most perfect dog you have ever seen! And it is just a puppy.... crazy. They got it for Nadine (Amelia's Grandma. Adeline and Veronique take care of her.) because she really wanted a dog. It is so cute too because it's almost like the dog knows why it is there. It just sits down by Nadine's feet all the time, which is exactly what she wanted. She said she wanted a dog that would follow her everywhere :). She is such a cute old lady. I love her. I just love their family.

Well, Sunday night we came home and planned out the next two weeks. Every day is full. We need to fit everything in before I leave, you know? Then, we were getting ready to watch Little Women (love it) when we both decided we were hungry. Well, what better to have at 9:30 pm than Crepes? Nothing. We made them.....

I was not so good at them.......

She was licking out the batter... heehee. Why is she so cool? I love her!

Best ever.

Delicious. I loved them. We were pretty much out of everything, so we just put jam on them. It was pretty delicious anyway.

Lovely. This is how you look when you are eating crepes. Believe it.

Well, after we ate we watched Little Women. Can I just say, that is the best movie. I love it. For some reason Amelia and I both feel like it is a Christmas movie, so we have been waiting until Christmas time to watch it. Well, Sunday was the day. We finally did and we loved every minute of it. Especially the minutes that were filled with Christian Bale :). Perfect. I would just encourange every one of you to watch it.

Well, this was a funny thing. I was at the tram stop, waiting for the tram to take me to Solfege class, and... I saw this. It was called "Legumes de France" (Vegetables of France). It was a pyramid made of Vegetables. Believe it. Random, I know. They have weird stuff here sometimes.....

These pictures are all from right outside the Music School in Belges. (That is the one I go to.) They are some sort of artwork. I think they are hilarious. I finally took pictures. So funny.

Hmm... well, today Amelia's dad comes back from his Opera trip. It has been a whole month. Which reminds me, Happy December everybody! This morning while eating Croissants and drinking Hot Chocolate, we listened to Christmas music. (The students may or may not have been studying at the time.... and we may or may not have cared... :). ) A perfect morning obviously.

Well, lets see... this Saturday Amelia and I are going to spend the day in the Country. Yes! I have been waiting all this time to see it! Too bad it is winter.... It was actually snowing at one point yesterday. It was also raining though, so it just melted as soon as it hit the ground, but it WAS snowing. I saw it with my own eyes.

Last night, Amelia and I took our newly made Pumpkin Pie and Whipped Cream over to Guillaume's house. We watched Inception while eating Pizza and Pumpkin Pie. Best night ever. So good. Also, the Pumpkin Pie turned out really great :). I think I should make it out of a real pumpking EVERY time. It is so much better! Amelia and I liked it, but Guillaume said, "It really is good, but too sweet for me." That didn't really surprise me though. The French don't like anything too sweet... which is why they eat Yogurt and Fruit for Dessert :). Good thing Amelia is only half French :).

Alright, well... I need to go. Listen to LOTS of Christmas music :).

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