Thursday, December 16, 2010
" Never say good-bye because good-bye means going away, and going away means forgetting."
Saturday, December 4, 2010
"Ah, but remember... faint hearts never won fair lady."
So I've been thinking..... I really have the best life. Sometimes I think things should go one way, and they just don't. I have been getting this slammed in my face night and day the past month it seems like. I really have learned to take it though :). I don't even mind any more. I have learned to just "roll with the punches," as they say... and I am loving it. I realize (Amelia and I have talked about it a lot recently) that we are all such whiners! What is the deal with that anyway?? Life isn't even that bad. In fact, it is really enjoyable. There is always something good that we can find out of the whole thing, and most of the time things turn out better when they don't go how we'd like them to. Really though... life is so good.
Well, this week it snowed! Apparently it never does that this early, so I thought it was cool. As much as I hate cold and snow, it just made Christmas even more exciting for me. It doesn't feel like Christmas time without snow. At least for me. That is because I am from Utah though....
Well, we went inside one of the really expensive chocolate shops. Heehee.... I felt really bad. We just looked for 5 seconds and then walked out. THEN I took pictures of the stuff :). We thought we might get in trouble if I did while we were inside.
First of all, there was this Audrey Hepburn picture right outside the door. I had to get a picture of it. They were apparently showing/maybe selling clothes from the 40s to the 80s upstairs... I don't know..... We didn't stick around long. We were obviously outsiders... :)
Don't these just look magical? Macarons! "All the colors of the rainbow!" I still haven't had one...
Well, this morning Amelia and I brought breakfast over to Guillaume's again. Well, we did half and half. I had to go help Guillaume with something, and Amelia had to go practice at her aunts' house, so we decided that we would just both go there for breakfast and then do our own things afterwards. It was great. We ended up being almost an hour later than Guillaume had said... woops. It was ok though.... "All's well that ends well." Guillaume has been having me read some papers/articles on Men in Non-traditional occupations ( Nursing, Childcare, Teaching, etc.). They are for his Thesis he is writing. They are in English and the writers were trying to show off how many big words they knew so he had a really hard time reading and understanding them. So, I read them and underlined certain things and then today I went over it with him and explained them. We were doing so good. We were just on a roll. We were separating them into the certain subjects and we were just doing great. Well, right when he was about to say "we're finished" and save it, this old lady from down the hall turns the power off. To the whole building. !!!!!!!! AH!...... it was so depressing. All of that work down the drain. Oh well... we are going to do it again tomorrow.... Hopefully the darned lady won't ruin it again this time....
Well, I better go. I have been working on this post for a few days now. I am just so sick of it..... I can't promise I will post again before I leave. This may be my last one. I plan to make the most of this last week, so I guess we'll see, huh?
à bientôt.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
"Well, it's not like being stuck with the dreadful nose you get. One does have a choice to whom one loves."
I figured it was about time to write again. I don't really have that much to report though. My time is drawing to a close, and I am just trying to fit everything in.
So, this first picture was when Amelia and I were going to Stake Conference on Saturday night. I tell you... France has the prettiest sky! I can't even believe it! I just love watching the sun sets... They don't have the bright colors like some sunsets, but it just just so beautiful. It really reminds me of heaven. You know that picture of Jesus' second coming (I think) with all the angels behind him, blowing trumpets, etc? Well, that is what it reminds me of... So pretty. The camera can never take really good pictures of it though. This will have to suffice though. It is still pretty, just not as pretty as in real life.
Well, Sunday night we came home and planned out the next two weeks. Every day is full. We need to fit everything in before I leave, you know? Then, we were getting ready to watch Little Women (love it) when we both decided we were hungry. Well, what better to have at 9:30 pm than Crepes? Nothing. We made them.....
Hmm... well, today Amelia's dad comes back from his Opera trip. It has been a whole month. Which reminds me, Happy December everybody! This morning while eating Croissants and drinking Hot Chocolate, we listened to Christmas music. (The students may or may not have been studying at the time.... and we may or may not have cared... :). ) A perfect morning obviously.
Well, lets see... this Saturday Amelia and I are going to spend the day in the Country. Yes! I have been waiting all this time to see it! Too bad it is winter.... It was actually snowing at one point yesterday. It was also raining though, so it just melted as soon as it hit the ground, but it WAS snowing. I saw it with my own eyes.
Last night, Amelia and I took our newly made Pumpkin Pie and Whipped Cream over to Guillaume's house. We watched Inception while eating Pizza and Pumpkin Pie. Best night ever. So good. Also, the Pumpkin Pie turned out really great :). I think I should make it out of a real pumpking EVERY time. It is so much better! Amelia and I liked it, but Guillaume said, "It really is good, but too sweet for me." That didn't really surprise me though. The French don't like anything too sweet... which is why they eat Yogurt and Fruit for Dessert :). Good thing Amelia is only half French :).
Alright, well... I need to go. Listen to LOTS of Christmas music :).