Monday, May 28, 2012

The Greatest of Gatsbys

          So, I was reading The Great Gatsby today, and I saw this... and it reminded me of you :)
         "I woke up out of the ether with an utterly abondoned feeling, and asked the nurse right away if it was a boy or a girl. She told me it was a girl, and so I turned my head away and wept. 'All right.' I said, 'I'm glad it's a girl. And I hope she'll be a fool-that's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool'."
p.s. You should let me borrow Dracula so I can read it after I finish this :).
p.p.s actually, I would just like most of your books so I can read them haha.



Thursday, May 24, 2012

If I peed my pants would you pretend that I just got wet from the rain?

My Dear Lindsay,
        So, you probably think I hate you and don't even check this any more, but I do love you, so here I am :).I love you so very much. And that letter was really good :). Some people are just really good at being married haha. so, I think I really do love scott pilgrim... way too much... just see for yourself oh, haha, and I made a Tumblr! :) you should make one too. so we can follow each other and such.
         So, I can't even explain to you in less than 1223498723 words how happy I am now that school is almost over and I have exactly 0 teaspoons of homework!!! so now we can play more :). and Elisa can come too! because she has 0% homework also. Also. So. Swimteam. here's the deal. so I called the day after parley's birthday and asked when the tryouts started, and they said they ended the day before, (dang it! I knew I should have called!) but said they had make-up tryouts on tuesday. so, I go with Dane to walmart to get some swim trunks and every line in the whole store was five miles long (of course!) so I left my shoeless Dane out in the car while I wasted an hour getting one thing, drove to the rec center, went out to the pool where the front desk ladies said the tryouts were, and it was empty... I asked the lifegaurds who led me in circles until someone said that the team was full and they decided to not do make-ups.(!) so I left and we drove home... well at least I got to miss young mens? so I called her (the swim team lady) and asked her about it. She was acting like I couldn't possibly ever be in the bronze team becaue I'm 16 and the senior bronze team goes up to 15 so I would have to be in the gold team... so I should be able to get into that... but that will be a pain in the bum. but she said you just come whenever you can, so maybe I can just go once a day (in the morning if I have work, and in the evening if I don't) or just whenever I can make it... because I really would like more than 2 hours a day of swim team, and it's really early, so I would be forced to wake up early, (which is healthy, and therefore, fine with me) but, we'll see. it starts on June 4th so maybe I could stay at your house this weekend? p.s. you should come over for memorial day. because we don't have school and are roasting giant marshmallows :). so what do you think? 

       also, Carolyn you-know-who, with the blog is really wonderful. I wish we were friends... we could be such good friends. and today I made a wire heart ring for Kiera and a yellow one for Misha, but Chandler accidentally stepped on it, so only Kiera got her's... and I put my backpack in the art show, so it has been kinda annoying carrying everything around... but i don't even have to carry anything around anymore, because it's the end of school :).

                                            forever yours,