Monday, January 30, 2012

Sorry it's taken so long. But here I am. I haven't forgotten you.

First of all, I just wanted to remind you how cute my girls are going to be. So here you go. Cute.
Also, I wanted to show you how classy this guy is. And the art. And all the instruments. And pipe.
Oh what? You noticed this hat? Oh hey, I did too. Sometimes I dream of being able to make anything I want.... and when that's the case, this is what I make. Neat, huh?
Oh, and speaking of dolls, remember how I made that doll for you? Well, ever since then I've been a little obsessed. They're so fun :). How great to make your own dolls. Boy... we should do it all the time.
So... first of all, we should both buy wooden glasses. Best idea ever. Seriously. Also, guess what I am watching right this minute? The Professor Layton movie. It's great. I love it. Thanks for letting me borrow it.
And yes.... I am actually working on your jacket. It's taking me longer than I had hoped... mainly because my sewing machine is a big crock of poop and isn't working EVER. So.... I'll just have to wait. Some days it works, some days it doesn't. So that's dumb. But, sometime I'll finished. I'm trying to hurry for you.
So, I saved the egg yolks from the pink lady cupcakes I made for your poopy-prise birthday, so I need to make some pudding! Hooray! I love pudding :). I want to make Butterscotch pudding.... It's way too sweet and way too delicious. But I don't mind. Also, it turns out I really, really like chocolate chip cookie dough with substitute molasses/brown sugar. Did you like it as much as I did? I loved it. Absolutely loved it. And speaking of absurd cravings, I want banana cream pie. Do you love it as much as I do? I honestly think it is so delicious. I could just scarf it right up. A whole pie to myself. Easily.
(Oh, Professor Layton just pulled out his sword! I love it when he does that...)
So, my hair is getting pretty long. I learned how to make a braid-hair-headband-thing.... I'm gonna try that soon. It's pretty cute.
Well, we finally hung up our Jesus picture. None of the other ones, but at least we got the most important one up, you know? :)
So, I read the m2story blog thing. I loved it. She is really cute.
So, it turns out that foam pads are up to $79.00 a yard at Joann's. Yeah right! Like we're paying for that. Can you even believe that? What kind of a rip off?.... I'm just sick about it.
Ok, well.... tomorrow I'm gonna sew lots on your jacket, make granola, and probably other stuff because... I'm in one of those moods.
Oh, how is the Valentine Heist going? Are you figure it all about? You had better be.....
Ok. I love you.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

My only Lindsay,
I don't have a ton of time, but I just wanted to say that I love you to death, and I don't think I could ever love you any more! you are wonderful and just cute as a button. I'm so glad that at least you love me... because that's all that matters.
p.s. Don't think that party was lame at all, because it was the best. just like you.

Friday, January 20, 2012


So.... these just reminded me of you. Except for the Heath Ledger one... I just needed to share it with someone. I miss him.... *choking sob*
So, the link you sent me for the one blog doesn't work....
Also, my camera is breaking my heart. It's such a good one.... :(. It's ok. I forgive the kids who broke it. I really do. I just wish I was rich and could fix it.
So, sorry about your lame-o surprise party last night. It was supposed to be much better but... it wasn't. The cake.... the surprise.... sheesh. How embarrassing. I hope you at least had a fun time. How was it after we left? Did you guys watch a movie or play a game or anything? Oh, and Happy Birthday, you wonderful boy! I hope you have such a good day today!..... And I'm really excited for Sunday :)..... hehehehe.
So.... Hannah said my hair looked like a poodle yesterday.... She said that wasn't a bad thing, but I'm not sure I believe her.
Oh Benj, guess what's great? Amelia has all these foreign people in her singles' ward, and she has the hugest crush on a guy from New Zealand. So hopefully that goes somewhere. I'm absolutely positive that he likes her too. So, hopefully they get married.
Well, I must be off and about my day. The xbox won't turn on so we'll see how today goes for these boys :). Hopefully I'll get to read more. I haven't been reading and it's really awful. I have all these lovely books....
Ok. I love you. Goodbye.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Okay, now to pick up where I left off! I love Emily :). she's the greatest. the end. not really though, I have a lot more to say :). so! first matter of business, Sideburns? like you were saying(like a year ago)? :). second, so... this is suuuuuuper embarrassing, but do you think making a blog would be a good idea? because people say I should, but I think that some people (including me) would think I am dumb... and I think it would be boring anyways... but if you think it's a good idea then I'll make one :). probly about baking and such. but your camera is a little bit broken... and I looked it up on the internet, and it seems like it's kinda common... because I plugged it in to charge, it said "connecting to computer", and then it wouldn't turn on anymore... so maybe you could look that up on google or something... because that's just sad. I don't even know... maybe we could buy a new battery for it... or something. anyways, sooooooo, I saw that you took my brother... by the way, Hannah wants to borrow your cheesecake pan for her birthday so we can have two cheesecakes, sooooo, maybe you could send it home with Dane? also, Elisa has just given up on asking me because Cynthia says that she won't go if she doesn't go with me.... and Misha can't come to the dance for some reason... so that's dumb. but Brittani might ask me, and Elisa said she had a really cute way of asking me... so... we'll see! haha. so... I'm so busy lately it's not even funny! I haven't sewed anything, and I don't ever have any time to draw on my backpack, so... pretty much, I hate my life. but are those things at gap that Chubbs gave me for Christmas still there? you and Dane should buy it (the kind that Chubbs gave me) for you know who's birfday, and I'll pay you back... for that AND the scarf :). because I think that if I wait 'til their birthday, they will be gone, or I won't be able to get down there and buy it in time... so that would be nice... if you don't know what I'm talking about, ask dane ;). so... the sunset is really pretty right now... and I'm listening to professor Layton music :). and all I want to do is sleep in, color my backpack, sew patches onto my hoodie(speaking of, what kind of fabric should
I use for the patches?), and watch some really great movies with you or Dane. but I have school, homework, and when I don't , something like young men's gets in the way :(. but we do have only a (easy)three day week next week plus my birthday, plus Elisa's birthday, plus maybe getting my permit soon... so that's nice :). also, Hannah Tolman and Brittani Bills both really like my lunchbox :D. so that's great. Oh my goooooooooodness! I'm really tired/relaxed right now.... also, we need to get together! I can't even say that enough times! we need to watch movies, make cakes, sew tanooki hoodies and EVERYTHING!!!! also, this computer bugs the chrap out of me! I can't even go to half the websites that are linked to pinterest, and mom says it's on the lowest security... so I think that's so dumb! also, dad says that he doesn't like pinterest because "it has too much of the world in it", and is full of "pop culture"... what a load of ... poop. but of course I can still get on it because It's "not necessarily bad"... also, are you really going to make that thing on the previous post for me?!?! if so, I would love you so much for it! not more, because I dont' think that's possible... and I know!!! aren't those heart elbow patches so cute?!? I have seen those before on pinterest, but it would be weird if I had heart patches... so I didn't do it... but I could do it on an article of Hannah's clothing haha. also, I should get hannah to wear the cool clothes that she has.... instead of just jeans and polos... we'll just see if she will haha. so... you should come over some time and we can do something fun. :). also, I made a owl cake for hannah :). I think you would have liked it. that's why you should have come over for butterbeer (along with Emily) because then you could have had butterbeer AND owl cake :). so.... this is just boring now... and I could be doing something much more productive than bore you to death... like color a backpack.... so, say "Hey you!" in an english accent to dane, and have a great night! don't have too much fun without me. also, tell dane that he "portrayed me"... and I love you all the way to the moon.
Love, Benj
p.s. here is the blog of the girl who's reception I went to, you should check it out :). she's pretty super cute. and they're a super cute couple.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Benj, look....

umm.... yes!
I'm going to make this for you, k?
best. can we do this?

Friday, January 6, 2012

Betcha weren't expecting this were you? :) I always find a way. because I can AT LEAST write on here, even if it's through my 3ds :). and I can put pictures on if I'm at the school... so... it's ok. I don't have time for pictures... but I will put some up eventually! so... I love that red bag, the hairdo, the books, and the cake... and YOU! well, I've been great :). school's jood... jood enough. my lunchbox is great! :). Elisa has a new friend (she's new to the school), and her name's Alania... kinda interesting... but anyways, she likes the beatles, so she asked me what songs/albums I like, and of course because I'm SO bad at remembering names of songs so... I told her I would find out the ones on my ipod :). so I'm gunna have ta study! haha. my hair is great as always :). Zach Veach (if you remember him) complimented me on it recently... so... a few points there haha ;). speaking of main roles, Taylor Welch is Mr. Darcy in the pride and prejudice play... all I have to say, is that he's much better than anyone else! so I'm okay... BUT! Brittani didn't get a part... so... that's sad.... and guess what!?! so, I don't know if you know Meg Abel (the person who Brittani "blog stalks") well, elisa, cynthia, maybe misha, and I are going to her reception tonight :) haha. also, Cynthia asked me to the spring casual girl's choice dance (because I'll be 16 then) and I told her that whoever asked me after my birthday, I would go with... if that makes any sense.. haha. so that was an adventure... and I'm going to go to Elisa's b-day party.... and we might have a combined (in a way) birthday party between misha, elisa, and I :). so that's fun! so yea, I did put oil and honey in hannahs hair... and then I straitened it... and it looks lovely! well... my time is up... but maybe I can write some more when I get home.... who knows... but all of that sounds SO FUN! I wish I was there... I was jealous to say the least.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

benjamin. it pains me that you are unable to share any pears with me.
i will share some with you anyway.....

Well, how've you beeeeeen? How's school? How's your lunch box? How's your hair? How's Hannah's hair? I hear you put some oil in it the other day. (I just realize you can't respond to any of these questions.... poop.)
Ok. Last night Dane and I watched That Thing You Do! and we also ate peaches and cream (with brown sugar... not white). Dane's first time eating peaches and cream. I hope it was an enjoyable experience for him. I love that movie so much. You've gotta watch it.
Kyle bought us a microwave yesterday, so that's awesome. I know I'll be eating more food now though, so it's kind of bittersweet. BUT... I do have a gym membership now and we're going to try to go very often, so that's good.
Emily is coming to Provo! AND she's going to stay with us until she finds an apartment/job :). It will be the party of my whole life :). And Chubbs is actually excited about it, which is so great :). He really likes Emily. Who can't though? Right? Anyway... I'm super excited. She's finally able to go to Beauty School, so that will be great for her. And she can practice on my hair all day long :).
I need to find another job....
Alright. Love you. Bye.